
Backpack guide for an international traveler?

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So I'm making another trip to Japan soon, and I'm looking for a good backpack to buy, as it is a backpacking trip. I'm staying for about a month, and I'm looking for anything from a heavy-duty backpack for all my stuff, to just a good daypack for when Im away from the hostel. Any recommendations? Also please note, as I am a backpacker, low price is key.




  1. its only a month just ask some people, dads always have old huge backpacks for camping and stuff, your gonna be spending minimun 100 for a decent backpack, so ask first

  2. One of the most important camping equipment is camping bag, or generally called backpack. Choosing a good backpack is also very important, as it could not be considered as just a bag that carries your stuff. Backpack usually be ignored by many of campers as they can see choosing a good backpack is only small matter for them. However, a lot of experienced campers confirm that it is not just small matter that can be ignored, if you choose a good backpack, it could give you more benefit than you ever think of. This is because when you are out there in the camp, it is the one that always with you and taking care of your stuff.

  3. With the airlines charging (in some cases) for EVERY piece of baggage, I've started taking an absolute minimum - mostly just wearing jeans, jacket and comfortable shirt to travel in (or sweats, depending on how long the flight is) and buying stuff in my destination city. There are stores everywhere and my husband and I came to an agreement that he won't come unglued if I wear the same clothes over and over (he thought it was weird that I kept changing clothes....) and I won't come unglued as long as I can wash them overnight and put them on clean the next morning. So my baggage usually consists of a bathing suit, change of underwear, raincoat (one of those plastic jobs that you buy at the dollar store and can be thrown away at the end of a trip) and pjs.

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