
Backspin in golf?

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How good do you have to be to get backspin. What sort of handicap do you need?




  1. No handicap needed to create backspin.  It would help to have deep grooves on the clubface so make sure you scrub and clean your clubs well.  Then hitting down onto the ball instead of scooping creates spin.  Also a softer ball spins more than a hard distance ball.  Pelz has some wedges that are like sandpaper and they stop on a dime.

  2. you can be the worse golfer and hit back spin. It is skill like anything else work on it. You have to hit on top towards the back forcing it against the ground then as you launch the ball it will have a back spin on it. I shot in the 80's and can do it.

  3. Use a descending swing

  4. Backspin is caused by the grooves of the club gripping the ball.  The more force (clubhead speed) you put on the ball, the more compression you will have which allows the club (and grooves) to "grab" the ball.  

    As long as you swing hard enough, have clean grooves, and hit the ball squarely, you will produce backspin, no matter how good or bad you are.

  5. Backspin in a golf shot is produced when the clubface hits quite steeply directly behind the ball, and then causing a divot in front of the ball. Golf Pros generally are very good at producing backspins on the green, although they do it with a purpose - to get the ball spinning back to the hole.

    We amateur golfers can create backspins as well, as long as we learn to & get to know the technique, although we may not be able to do it as good as the pros. However, it is almost impossible to produce any backspin from the rough; you have to be on the fairway to create it with the help of the solid ground.

  6. the ball doesn't know what your handicap is and it doesn't care.
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