
Backward Crossovers?

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I have been skating almost a year now and have reached uk star bronze. I have just got my own coach, and he isnt happy with my backward crossovers. Nobody else pulled me up through the skate uk levels about it. He said I lose my outside edge and its not a proper crossover. Any tips wuld be very helpfull.




  1. try to put your hips into them. like doing left over right. lean your hips to the right and the same with right over left with hips leaning to the left. it might fell weird but that is how i do mine.  Don't be stiff. that is the wrost thing to do, don't be afraid to fall either. Also what you could do is like use a stick or hocky stick hold it to the side that your turning, that should help with alittle. If still not sure talk to your coach. I taught myslef crossovers almost  4 years ago when i just skated for fun.  So yea it takes alot of blance and concentration.

       rules that i say to myslef while i started out with them is

      ` don't be afraid to fall

    ` everyones falls at a time in skating.

    ` take my time

    ` listen to other oppoins.

       Try making up your own like little tips for you.

       Hope this helps and hope you get crossovers. they are so much fun but yet get annoying sometimes. lol



    reach as far as you can, pull your foot over [the cross] repeat, bend you knees and keep your back straight... stick out your chest. not in like a gross way but it makes your back straight and gives you better posture

  3. 8

  4. try to bend the inside foot of the crossover. also, lean IN toward the circle. push really far out with the over foot. then, cross it as far over as possible. push the other foot underneath with a strong inside edge. repeat this and your backward crossovers will look great

  5. its important to be able to hold that edge to get good crossovers. practice gliding backwards and getting into landing position and holding that edge around a circle. the same can be done with forwards crossovers.

    make sure your arms are up and tracing the circle ( going CCW right arm is back..) shoulders turned into it. look down the arm thats back behind you.

    you should be on a outside edge with your inside skate and an inside one with your outside skate. keep your weight near the back of your skates. if you can hear the toepick scratching, you are too far forward on the blade. keep your knees bent.

    step with the inside leg, like doing a sideways lunge,  making sure all your weight is on it when you do (your outside one should be 'weightless' at this point.) lean into the circle..

    then once you have stepped, slide your outside skate diagonally infront of the inside one. shift your weight onto the foot that crossed, and tilt the whole of the other skate's blade off the ice.

    return to original position and repeat. make sure you leave space between the blades when you cross or you might trip. reember to lean into the circle and keep looking behind you to see where you are going.

    practice slowly at first and make sure you hold each position for the same amount of time.  

    step... cross... step... cross... 1... 2... 1... 2...

    (or, if you need to, hold each part for two counts)

    hope that made sense :P remember im no expert, so if you have any questions its best to ask your coach.

    Happy Skating!

  6. Reach and Pull

  7. their frakin awesome!
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