
Backyard fence problem with neighbor, give me some good advice?

by  |  earlier

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Thank you for all ppl's good advice

@ the problem is that the neighbor own two adjacent houses so they renovate the 2 houses backyards floor into flat cement to play basketball, @ and they took down the 2nd fence between their house and my house, and the neighbor want to build a fancy costly fence (about $1000), so they ask my family to share the cost, but i denied it, since it is their fault to take down the fence while doing the renovation, few months pass, it seems that they have no interest of putting back the fence, since that way they have more space for their basketball court and more convenient for them to chat/play with the next neighbor.

@so i pay 100 or 200$ to buy some 4ft chain fence (originally it is the same chain fence) and rebuild it between their yard and my yard , will they have any excuse to stop me? (i will build inside my yard property)

@will i get in any troubles?@ and who own the fence if i do so?

-_-it is just too annoying for them to use my yard as their own




  1. You have every right to install a new fence as long as it's on your property and not imposing on their property. I don't think they can stop you as long as you are building it within your property. You can consider calling your local city police for verification (or city manager's office). Since they were the ones who originally pulled down the fence because of the construction, then they should also help you pay for it. You aren't required to buy the most expensive fence that they chose, however. This is a sticky situation and if you have the resources, I would consider talking to an attorney before things get out of control.

    Below is a link to a free advice website that helps with legal & residential issues like this. Good luck!

  2. You cannot get in trouble for building a fence on your side of the property line provided:

    A. You check with the city planner's office to obtain a permit and check for any easements you must protect.

    B. You build the fence so that the outside faces your neighbor's home and the inside faces yours.

    C. You do not build a fence with fencing materials that are against any homeowners association or city code.

    You may want to consider a six foot privacy fence made of wood or one of the new plastics. These are more aesthetically pleasing than chain link, will give you more height and privacy and will reduce the likelihood of neighbors jumping the fence constantly to retrieve their basketball. It also improves your property, whereas chain link might actually reduce your property's value.

    Remember, "good fences make good neighbors." Chain link fences are industrial and an eyesore, and you already have enough trouble with the neighbors without adding another ugly problem to the mix!

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