
Backyard looks horrible but my dog is happy?

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I'm going to start by saying I love animals, mostly my dog. I own my house and when I first got there, there was green grass all through the backyard. Between my dog running A LOT and forgetting to water the backyard all the grass died. It's ok since I live in the desert and it's kind of strange to have so much grass but not the backyard looks horrible, although I did plant 6 young trees on the sides of the yard. But the middle of the yard looks like the dust bowl, any suggestions that would be easy for a single woman to do? Also I would rather do something earthfriendly and addidng fake grass doesn't seem like a good idea since cleaning after the dog will suck.




  1. Look up local lawn care services that could repair your yard.

    Or perhaps till the whole yard and spread a lot of new seed. Or maybe do it a section at a time, roping it off to keep your dog out while it grows.

  2. good q i am on mi

  3. the best thing to do is if the ground is dry take a hose or a bucket and wet the area take  a rake rake that area by some scotts grass seeds get full sun if theres alot of sun or shade mix if there little sun.  Spread a good amount all around that area.  Try to fence or put up something to keep your dog or anyone else from stepping in there.  Water once a day but dont soak it where it will push the grass seeds you weant to spray it on there.  You should start to see grass after 4 days. I hope this is helpfull to you this is what i did. Good luck!!

  4. I live in the desert also.  The dustbowl look is not a good thing.  That dust can also be hard on your dogs lungs.

    Hate to say it, but lawn is a good thing.  It keeps the serrious rains that sometimes happen in the deserts from during the dust into greased mud.  With no grass to hold it in place, the mud can travel to places you might not wish.

    A lawn also serves as a firebreak, should there ever be a rangefire near you.

    There are some grasses that grow very well in dry areas.  Go to your local feed store, and check out their selection of grass seeds.  Select a pasture seed for dry areas.  

    Of course it is going to take some water to get it established.  Your dog will enjoy the cooler grass to romp on, when it is hot out, and it will be good to cut down on the amount of dust his doggie lungs recieve.

    Might want to plant another tree in the middle of the yard as well.  Grass certainly seems to do better in the desert, when it gets some shade part of the day from least it does in my house.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    Owner of 5 working farm dogs

  5. Do you like birds?

    Buy a bag of bird seed or three and start throwing it in the back yard.  The dogs won't eat the seeds and what seeds the birds don't eat, will grow and let nature help restore itself.

  6. I would like to add that if you decide to reseed the lawn, be sure to use a soil amendment that will hold water in the soil.

    A great product to use would be "Pozzolan" or sometimes it is called "Lassenitte ATS".  This is an all natural product that you work into the soil before seeding.  It will absorb moisture and hold it until the plant (grass, tree, etc.) needs it.

    It is already being used extensivly in the Middle East, mostly to grow grass for golf courses.

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