
Bacon Mac 'n Cheese from Pizza Hut?

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Does anyone else think this new "pasta dish" sounds really disgusting? has anyone tried it yet?




  1. it does sound gross, mainly because i'm not a fan of bacon

  2. I really couldn't imagine this tasting good at all.  I've had hot dogs in Mac 'n Cheese (which isn't too bad), but never bacon.

  3. It sounds and looks disgusting. I haven't tried it yet because i don't see paying that much for something that doesn't sound good and you don't get a lot of

  4. The Bacon Mac 'n Cheese Pasta dish from Pizza hut is one I haven't tried yet and to tell you the truth, I wouldn't even waste my money on it to find out how it tastes because, most often when fast food restaurants attempt to market something outside their regular line of products only to compete against other businesses most often it is usually a quickly-induced business concept to boost sales and make a quick buck with a 50/50 assumption of failure or success.  A couple of good examples of fast food business attempts to compete with others...if you remember at one time McDonald's starting selling pizzas and the concept quickly failed, same thing with Dunkin Donuts with their personal pizzas.  Domino's now is attempting to compete with Subway and Quizno's by promoting a new line Grinders and already I've heard lots of complaints about it.  In a nutshell, if your in the mood for Mac 'n Cheese or any pasta dish for that matter, I would suggest to you to just look around your area and just find a good local restaurant that has been around for a while, known for preparing good pasta dishes.  That's what I would do.

  5. recently had it, it ain't that bad.

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