
Bacteria test?

by  |  earlier

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what kinda tests could you perform on organisims to assist in identification? give me a couple of tests.




  1. By far and away the most comprehensive testing can be done by API  strip testing.

    It involves a whole battery of biochemical tests such as oxidase iron reduction oh the list goes on.

    They're manufactured by a French company called Bio-Merieux.

    All you have to do really is have your pure isolate,Gram test it

    decide whether its +ve or-ve and choose your strip.

    Good luck and stick in with the micro ........its fascinating.

  2. PCR

  3. You could do a Gram Stain, a Streak culture, Spore stain, Acid-Fast Stain, You could use a semi-solid AGAR to determine motility, you could use differential media, i.e. MacConkey, EMB, MSA.You could do the Kirby Bauer test to see which Antibiotics can kill it, you could do Biochemical testing, i.e. Catalase, Oxidate, etc.  

    Good luck!

  4. ... or you can taste them and see what symptoms you get!!!
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