
Bacterial Vaginosis from HE**! PLEASE HELP!?

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Ok so I have had BV for about a year on and off! (MOre on than off) I would ALWAYS get it when Pregnant and of course I got pregnant with my 4th last may and got another bout of that wonderful BV (LOL). Now the doc gave my flagyl and that did NOT work so moved onto The metronidazole(sp). Anyways it will effectively get rid of it for about a week then that Stenchy smell comes creeping up again. SO I decided to "self treat" with acidophilus, folic acid, and hydrogen peroxide as recomennded by To my surprise it worked for a few days than crept back up. Is there anything else I can douche with or take orally that is not a prescription? Also I have CIN l & and CIN ll and am waiting on the results from a LEEP I had today could these abnormal cells possible be keepiong the BV from clearing up? THANKS SO MUCH in advance!




  1. Well, I'm not sure why the Dr. gave you Flagyl then Metronidazole, they are the SAME drug. Metronidazole is the generic name for Flagyl.

    Has this Dr. ever CULTURED this infection? A culture and sensitivites would tell which antibiotics the bacteria are sensitive to, and which ones won't work. Obviously, Flagyl isn't it. It is possible that it isn't bacterial at all. Until a culture is done, and the infection identified, the likelihood of getting rid of the infection is none.  

    I just read about the LEEP procedure. Hopefully that will give you some answers. If not, you may want to consult an alternative medicine Dr.

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