
Bad, bloody, horror dreams? why?

by  |  earlier

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I had this dream a while ago, me and my friend were on a hoover craft on the side of a big white tent (like the ones used for a outside wedding) and we were going on the side of it. I reached my hand out and in each section that the tent came together was a dead body hanging there. Then we came to the entrance of the tent and flew inside and it was a wedding but everyone there was murdered and it was bloody. I have this image in my head of this bigger lady up on a big speaker with her intestines all hanging out. It was very vivid. But I allways have very, very vivid dreams. I have dreams that I had 10 or more years ago that I can still see in my head, and could draw them out. Sometimes I have dreams that I die in it, and will have the dream over and over (over a long period of time) and then one time I will have that same dream and get away in the end and never have that dream again. So my question is why do I have such bloody, like horror dreams and so vivid.




  1. well the part where you said you had it over and over and once you escaped it went away... i think it's a sign like situation thing more like a survival Guide.... I believe God is going to prepare from what is to come...

    i can say those bloody murders represent, Hate, lust, SIN: you may be doing something your shouldn't i don't know what it is, but death means death, hate, sin....

    Your friends represents them being by your side and/or are going through what your going through...

    the wedding means something special.. and then something bad happened.. (emotional and/or physical)

    the hover craft means your just walking through bad doors like  if it was your lost in a maze to where you walk through any door without thought to it..

    in conclusion:

    you need to be aware of things surrounding you and be careful....Be careful what you let in your life...

    This dream is most likely a vision of what is happening in your life..

    (i kinda like your dream cause your dream is more like a survival type of dream [i love survivals].. i need those lol.]

  2. I have very vivid dreams of war, but jeez thats bad, and I have no idea what that could mean.

  3. When I was hyperthyroid and it was not well under control, I had TONS of bloody dreams.  They were horrid.  Also, PMS can bring them on, or extreme stress.

    Try journaling your dreams, and noticing if they correlate with illness, stress, etc.

    Still, even if they are rooted in illness or stress, there may be messages in them for you.  When you have one, post it here and let us try to see if we can find some patterns in them.

    This bloody wedding dream above might be a your response to some marriages you know about and are concerned about.  Are any people you love having a hard time of it right now in their marriage?  Or maybe someone getting married is experiencing a lot of family conflict surrounding their plans for the ceremony.

    Pray for wisdom!

  4. oh wow... that sounds so scary. i'm not sure if you've thought about this, but try thinking about the kinds of movies you watch, the books you read, any video games you play, and if they're at all violent or scary like your dreams, try cutting them down as much as possible. your dreams may be a reflection of too violent or graphic images you're exposed to throughout the day that you don't even realise you're being exposed to because you're so used to them.

    if that's not an issue, try going to some kind of mental health doctor or someone who studies in the area of dream interpretation (not in the psychic paranormal sense). i'm not saying it means you're insane, but if you find them so disturbing, there might be a serious reason for them. i wouldn't let them just pass, try doing what you are right now and find out just why they're happening, it might be very important.

  5. your dream is very similar to this other person's. except in different places;...

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