I had this dream a while ago, me and my friend were on a hoover craft on the side of a big white tent (like the ones used for a outside wedding) and we were going on the side of it. I reached my hand out and in each section that the tent came together was a dead body hanging there. Then we came to the entrance of the tent and flew inside and it was a wedding but everyone there was murdered and it was bloody. I have this image in my head of this bigger lady up on a big speaker with her intestines all hanging out. It was very vivid. But I allways have very, very vivid dreams. I have dreams that I had 10 or more years ago that I can still see in my head, and could draw them out. Sometimes I have dreams that I die in it, and will have the dream over and over (over a long period of time) and then one time I will have that same dream and get away in the end and never have that dream again. So my question is why do I have such bloody, like horror dreams and so vivid.