
Bad Apple Syndrome?

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Why do some people who do wrong things always try hard to let other people do the same, and they know that it is bad?

Why some go to the extent of forcing (by power or law) their wrong doings on others who have no power?

They even sometimes try to scientifically convince people with how great this bad thing is.

Is it not enough that they are doing wrong, why does it have to infect all? can't understand the psycholgy of these people?

Like, some drugs being legalised for example in some countries. Alcohol, prostitution, ....etc.

Will there ever be a time when people get honest information?




  1. well well, your question has more than point, first one, why people who in the wrong, trying  to grab others into the same wrong: I want to tell  an old story from the Arabic heritage, there were a fight between two tribes, all the men left one tribe , and the women stayed alone , the other tribe men could attack the women, and rape them all , but One who could escape, later the women gathered around her, and rape her themselves to be like them when the men arrive, it was funny that some of these women  were her closest family,,, We as human has this insects of the cattle-ism,,we like to be surrounded, and we like the same cattle to act the same,,we  will always feel bad to see one outsider of the cattle,, whether that in doing good things or bad things,,anyway,, I remembered this story when I read your Q,, Now the Drugs, and the prostitution,,  and that was in all the world even Egypt till the 40's (do not be shock),,the Drugs were fought hard by the British because they were afraid that they will ruin the Whisky industry for them (they were the most famous in that)  but lets take a look where they legalize drugs now,, and prostitution ,, the  first was Holland, claiming that is freedom,, well the reason is very clear,, it is because of the huge money behind those,,, we all know that, Holland was very famous of the  slave trading,, they were the source of most the slaves to the new world America,, now this trade is illegal (by the UN),, it was logic that they move to a similar trade , legalize it and claim it is  a sign of freedom (although they start to fight it now),, most the world criminalize both activities,, to be honest,,

    Now , to have information, we need to pay money to create and invent/get  the information,,, then we sell them to make profit ,, does it makes any difference for traders (as even guiding people became trading) to give them correct or wrong ones,, Most of the time the trader presents the information which makes money whatever they are,, What do you think of any Media, all  of them are private  or shareholding companies ..


    hahah, No,,, tobacco is really fought harder than Alcohol, do you know what is the reason ,, Money again,,

    lets take a close look,

    As health care in Europe and America is paid by both the government and the insurance,, They found that Cancer is causing more money  spending ,for the governments, in treating the citizen from cancer (or trying)  than the tax collected from this industry, so They  are just fighting it for that reason,,, Now Alcohol, they just fight driving while being drunk, because that can cause accidents, which means money drain again either for victims of the accident, or what could be  damaged,,

    Now they do not care much losing brain  (being drunk)actually that means YOU spend more, which means more profits,, and  there is no liability on the governments if people turns to be idiots, and spend more,,,,,,, so it is economy again,,


    Note: Never think that Slavery is not there in the world, the so called civilized countries just cancelled the name (because they like to feel civilized) but still they enslave people by bringing and humiliating  immigrants, give them the low jobs, and enslave their people by pushing them to be addicted of tobacco, and alcohol ,, (and even fashion)wekolh dahk 3la al dokon (every thing is just a big joke)..

  2. Sultan Shalfat, you have spoken my mind..... i have been thinking about these exact same questions the past few weeks.

    Why are these people who say that they reject society and their backward way of thinking are pushing so hard to gain "social acceptance", why would they force their believes on others as the new "norm" .... They defend freedom of choice then revoke and take back the same rights from others who go against them. They try to convince themselves and others too using debates and scientific nonsense about their new weird notions and ideas and when u try to debate back they call u backwards and retarded and against the new progressive society.

    I think such people are delusional and are in a way suffering from a lot of aggressiveness, they seek attention and have no clear definition of right and wrong, they know that the society or the majority of the people can see through their ignorance and their retaliation and forcefully pushing their own point of view is only a way to fit in the society which again they claim that they refuse and reject.

    You see each one of us is born with an internal sense of right and wrong and when we try to ignore our inner calling then confusion occurs, people who carry out their whims and desires and forget about their better judgment only feel a momentary happiness and then their conscience sets in and starts nagging them..... It is unavoidable.... and only through acceptance from others will they be able to calm their inner turmoil and lie to themselves that what they r doing is right.

    One last point, i think giving in to too much rights actually loses a person some of his own rights..... to make more sense of this sentence, when you allow everybody their right of choice, you are in fact taking away other people's rights..... like allowing certain drugs, u can never control a person under the influence nor can he control himself, then if by any chance an accident occurs to an innocent by stander, you have taken away from his rights to safety by giving in to another's' right to get high and have fun. Now honestly who is the victim here!! When u allow Alcohol and prostitution and an innocent person  is affected from this where is the justice in that??

    The last part of yr q, about when will people ever get honest information, my answer is NEVER, simply cos the media and the written words are owned by "People" in power looking for material benefits and not the general benefit.

    The only way out of all this is our Faith and our minds, we were given our minds to use not to ignore and follow our urges and desires.

    Once again i ve written a very long answer, but i had to speak my mind.

  3. this is herd behavior .

    when someone is a black sheep, they know it .

    they want to be accepted by their herd .

    so, they seek to corrupt the others , one by one to feel good .

    when the  majority of the herd becomes black sheep, this is a victory to the leader of the bad group .

    the bad apple doesnt consciously seek to corrupt the other apples .

    but the bad apple syndrome efficiently shows that bad influence has evil effects .

    that's why we must protect junior members of our society or family from getting in touch with evil.

    my father used to see the movie we wanted to watch when we were young to decide if we could be exposed to it or not .

    he protected us till we became adults who can tell the difference between virtue and vice .

  4. while i agree there are some who would legalise drugs in some places, apart from this i dont really understand what you mean. i dont believe i can think of an incidence like this. and i disagree with you about people getting honest information too, do you really feel it is impossible to get accurate information. i think there are many places and ways to accurate inormation. maybe its not always what you want to hear, but i do belive it is possble to find. i think you are too pessimistic. maybe if you give an example of what you mean.

  5. U r right, i notice this with smokers, they make all around them smoke "7'od ya 3am wa7da tafaree7" then they get used to it.

    Hope one day people will get honest information.

  6. Great question ya shalfat ,

    My opinion is , alcohol for you is wrong, but for others is not wrong, depend on their religion or habits, also gf and bf is wrong in Muslim countries, but its normal in many other countries, SO , its better to let everyone do what he think is right, and dont force him to our opinions, and also , not to let him force us to do like him ,

    BUT, If you mean another thing, like for example the bad police officers, who will not accept any good police officer in between , so they can work without being afraid from him ,

    Or , like the students who want to leave the class because the teacher was late , and they force the other students to leave also , so they will be all the same, and not let the teacher find any reason for punish them,

    If you mean this, then Its the bad behaviors most of us have, and its hard to say to them NO, because in this days, the bad people "BAD APPLE" are the majority , and if you dare to say NO, then you will bring harm to urself,

  7. great question!!!

    I had just said it.people are happy when they feel victorious even if it's in evil.

    how??like,what would make an addicted friend convince his friend to try drugs?although he knows how far it ruined his life and body....

    because he wants to feel that even his friend's inside the same he wont blame himself everytime he does the wrong thing.

    a way to calm his conscience and enjoy the wrong thing.

    will there ever be a time when we'll get honest information?

    I believe NO.

    world and people are getting in order to get honest information which's really difficult,try to be surrounded by people u trust very well and know they'ld never force u to something wrong or harmful....
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