
Bad Blister Help?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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I was in school, and the shoes i wore hurt my feet. while i was walking home i took off the shoes, and now i have huge blisters on the bottom of my feet. i can barely walk. is there anything i can do to at least help me walk? thanks for all your help!!




  1. put a needle into a flame let it cool down pop the blister from side then cover with duct tape

  2. Don't break the blisters. That will open you up to infection and broken blisters heal slower than whole ones.

    Take some Advil/Tylenol, and go to your local pharmacy. Depending on how large the blisters are, you will probably be able to find corn pads to fit. The donut-shaped pads will surround the blisters so that when you step you will not be putting your weight on the actual blister; the pad will support it.

    Also, make sure you don't wear those shoes again!  

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