
Bad ??? Good??? Vegeterian...?

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What are thebenefits from being a vegetarian and what are the disadvantages of being a vegetarian? Can you get any illness from not eating meat? and how long would it take o get it? Thank you




  1. You cannot get illnesses from NOT eating meat. Many people love to tell you that you won't get enough protein or vitamins or minerals, but do you think they get very many vitamins or minerals? They don't eat many fruits or vegetables at all, yet they think that vegetarians are the ones who have deficiencies. It is odd. Most Americans consume way too much protein, and as you know, too much of anything is not good. But they stick by the fact that you need tons of protein per day and that you need to take vitamins.

    The reality is, if you eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and grains with a few beans/legumes/seeds/nuts, you will acquire enough protein per day (unless you're an athlete) while also getting a variety of vitamins and minerals. The only vitamin you cannot get from a vegetarian diet is vitamin B12, but most soymilks are fortified with it, so it should be nothing to worry about.

    A disadvantage is that people will not understand or approve of you being a vegetarian, and you may have a tough time when eating at restaurants. but those are insignificant if you really enjoy being a vegetarian. it is difficult at first, but you and everyone else will get used to it.

  2. Benefits (there are LOADS!!! more that these but these are the basic ones):

    You get more energy (by eating a "Clean" diet without meat)

    Less likely to have a heart attack (no meat, mostly red)

    Vegetarians live up to 10 years longer than non-vegetarians (sometimes even more years, more added if vegan)

    Your not killing animals (my favorite)

    Disadvantages (not much but very easy to overlook):

    No burgers (super hard 4 me went turning into a vegetarian)

    You don't get as much protean or vitamin B because of meat but u can change that by taking supplements (4 lazy people but still good to do) or eat more nuts, grains, oats, and soy products

    Over all Vegetarian is a VERY wise choice to do

  3. There are numerous benefits to a vegetarian diet:

    Environmental benefits:

    The raising of animals for food is the number one contributor to global warming; it creates more greenhouse gases than all forms of transportation combined.

    Health benefits:

    Animals in industrial situations are routinely given feed laced with pesticides, to decrease the numbers of insects on their f***s- a major problem in factory farms. They are injected with huge amounts of hormones and antibiotics, and these substances can be found in all cuts of meat.

    Meat eaters have higher rates of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer.

    Benefits for the Animals:

    No veal crates, battery cages, gestation crates, slaughterhouse practices...

    There is no illness one can get from not eating meat.  It is frequently stated that vegetarians may not get enough iron in their diets, but since the rates of anemia among vegetarians are lower than those in the general population, this would seem to be a myth.

  4. Wikipedia it :] There's too many to list

  5. I dont really see any bad points to being a vegetarian to me its over all good and its more in tune with what are bodies were supposed to put in more have way more energy and are more conscious with the world around you......

  6. Vegetarian diets

    There are over 3 million vegetarians in the United Kingdom, with thousands more changing their diet every week, and many millions more worldwide. It is widely recognised that a vegetarian diet is nutritionally adequate, and such a diet typically follows current healthy eating advice of including more fruit and vegetables together with starchy and high fibre foods in the diet, and reducing the amount of fat, especially saturated fat, consumed.


    A vegetarian diet can confer a wide range of health benefits. Research has shown vegetarians suffer less from obesity, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, certain diet related cancers, diverticular disease, appendicitis, constipation and gallstones.

  7.<====You won't be supporting cruelty!

  8. There are lots of health benefits being a vegetarian or a vegan. You feel more energized, it may help lower cholesterol, better heart health, and lots more.



    You will have a healthier life (that is if you eat healthily...not overdose on junk food) & you'll feel better. Your skin will clear up and your hair will be fab. You may even lose weight.

    Bad stuff:

    None. Except people may disapprove of your choice.

    No, you can't get illnesses from lack of meat

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