
Bad Gost or what Please help?

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Recently my grandmother has passed and i have been staying in her old house to make it look like someone is there. well up until a few days ago nothing bad happend but on monday i was woken suddenly to see a woman standing in my hallway and i got up to go see she started to walk towards are family room and the lights in the family room i had left on turn completly off ALLL OF THEM!!! then tonight i went over to get some stuff and the basment door open and slamed shut right in front of me and i said out loud" im just getting my stuff and i am leaveing and the door opend and slamed even harder then my cell phone rang sying on the caller id UNKNOWN and all there was, was static and noone there.I have been getting a really bad vib going in the house before this even start. I have also seen a man walking around the house and outside. the weird part is i have been haveing bad luck since i have been staying here and i went home 2 my house wed and thur night and the bad luck is gone helpJON




  1. It doesn't really matter what it is.  If it is freaking you out, it's not worth the trouble.  Gte away from it.

  2. We have instincts for a reason.  Trust them and like the other people said, go live somewhere else.  Whatever is going on there probably will not stop unless this is a practical joke which it doesn't sound like it is.

  3. I would make a choice to stay somewhere else and like the guy said--get some lights and leave a radio playing or something. I have had some weird things in my home and i have been here for 6 years and this just started after my g'mother passed...i am selling! so there ya go..IT WILL NOT GET BETTER! I have been told numerous times that bad spirits latch on to good spirits and that is how we end up with bad things going on. Your g'ma will not be a danger but the spirits that follow her may..good luck

  4. Looks like a good place to do some research on to find out who and what went on there before you arrived.

    Did your grandmother die naturally or some other way?

    See if you have some friends that may be messing with you.

    Otherwise, get some light timers and stay someplace else.

    I personally live in the home where both my grandparents died and was expecting some activity but nothing.

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