
Bad Grades Help!?

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Ok i use to have A's and B's.Now i have B's F's && D's.I Went from an A in math to an F.I went from an A in reading to a B.I went from A to f in science.I did miss about a week of school from a previous cold i had and thats when i noticed my grades going down.My grandparents don't understand they think i'm lieing.How can i improve my grades and proove ot my grandparents i'm not lieing.

P.s.I have A.D.D and don't take medication for it.Oh and i live with my grandparents because my parents are divorced....Just thought i throw that in!:)

But Please Help!!!I am dieing to get my grades back!!!




  1. Becuase you were sick you couldn't catch up with the other lessons you had to take in school. Ask a teacher to help you go over it afterschool.

  2. did u catch up on the week you were ill? cus if u didnt then u wouldnt know parts of the subjects.

    all i can say is revise and if u get stuck ask a teacher

  3. Go to each teacher and ask what you need to do to get your grades back up to normal. Then do it.

    Tell your grands that your grades will be back up to normal as soon as you get caught up from being sick. Then you really have to just do the work.

  4. You are probably stressed out. You need to get back on track ASAP by staying focused and getting extra help. Take some time off school if that will help, but you need to stay focused.

  5. Well first of all: Did you make up all your work from that week? Or turn it in?!??!   If you didn't, the grades go down (this has happened to me a million times). Once you get it in the teacher's will put it in and your grades will go right up! ****Please note that teacher normally don't put work into the grade book until the end of the week.

    Second of all: Are you still continuing to put in effort? Sometimes after I am gone, or getting sick of school, I slack off a little. Make sure your doing your best!

  6. sounds like your life is affecting ur grades if im honest. just try to keep studying and working at it. and if u find  it hard to concentrate then prahaps you should start to take some medication. hope it helps x

  7. There are a few variables in your specific story that could contribute to lower grades.

    First off, your parents are divorced. I'm not completely sure whether you're extremely upset about it, because I don't know your story! I know that I have a couple of friends who when their parents were divorced, their grades lowered significantly too.

    Secondly, a week off school would not make your grades sink that quickly. My suggestion for getting better grades would be to really focus on school for the next month. Make sure that you study for at least 45 minutes for each and every test, and if you have an essay, make it as good as you can.

    Have a study buddy! Do you have a really good friend that can help you out? I'm not talking about chatting on the phone with the latest gossip.. I'm talking about serious studying.

    All of these suggestions can help you ace your next test, and be on the way to success in school!

    Good luck,


  8. study more !! thats the only advice i can give

  9. you need to stay on top of things when you miss school,ask a friend for the hw make up any missed work,go to your teachers and ask for extra credit..good luck  you will be ok

  10. study hard, thats what i did, but my grades where never perfect :( but still i passed ok

  11. Grades are not a true measure of intelligence. They most likely dropped because you were out of school for a week. I find it difficult to keep up with my work when I am out of school for a day. Just do your homework and go to class and your grades will be fine. Don't worry about you grandparents hating on you for your grades. They are your grades and responsibility, not theirs.

  12. study hard and bring them up... that's it.

  13. try to participate in your classes more (raising your hand to anwser) try to anwser questions even if you dont really know them. Study more of course and ask alot of questions believe me this helps because your teacher will know that at least your trying. Oh and ask if you can do extra credit or/and ask if its possible if you can do the work from the week you missed.

  14. The main thing is that you know they are down and you want to get them back up.  Start by going to each one of the teachers and asking them if their is any extra credit work that you can do to earn some points to start getting it back up, if it is something you are having a hard time understanding then ask them if you can come in after school for them to explain it to you.  The teachers really do want to help but you have to show them you want it.  next spend an extra 30 minutes a night studying, it doesn't sound like a lot but it can accomplish a lot get your grandparents or a friend to quiz you over what you are studying.  Don't argue with your grandparents and try to make a reason for the poor grades instead just tell them you know they are bad and you really want to get them up can they help.  As a mom I would rather my kids admit their was a problem instead of hunting excuses for it.  If you set your mind to it then you can do it it will just take some hard work.
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