
Bad Migraine,Or aneurysm?

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My Husband is suffering from a bad Migraine or is it? Around 11 last night we were fighting and then he got up and got dissey and nearly passed out his head hurt so bad that he could barley move and today his head still hurts Could this be an anurism?Please help me he insists on not going to hospital and he has no pc doctor what can we do to help him?




  1. A trip to the emergency room is in order, particularly if he is over 40 and has no previous history of headaches.  A sudden, severe headache and the other symptoms you describe suggest an intracranial mass (such as an aneurysm) and a scan and exam will be necessary to rule out anything serious.  If it's serious, it can progress very quickly, which is why you should have it checked immediately.

  2. Is he sensitive to light?  If so it is probably a migrane.  If he is not sensitive to light, I would get him to the hospital as soon as possible.

  3. It could be a migraine. But, with headaches of this magnitude you really don't want to mess around. If he's still having the headache, I would at the least call the advice nurse at your local hospital to see what they recommend.

    My first migraine, was so horrible I literally thought I was suffering form a brain tumor or something. I was at work and my father had to come get me and take me to emergency, because I could not drive or anything. I was very sensitive to light and anyway stimuli around me. Even my skin hurt. And I experienced a strange aura (that actually proceeded the migraine). And I do find that sometimes stress can be a contributing factor and sometimes they come on for no reason. But, this is something that really needs to be looked at. Headaches are nothing to mess around with and also the hospital will be offer your husband pain relief.

    I hope he gets relief from the pain soon!  

  4. I believe that you can have an anneurysm and not know it, usually until its too late, but I've known people who have had them removed, and some else who has one, and is checked for change about every six months, they know it could kill her at any moment.  Because of its location, its inoperable.  The best way to find out is an MRI, but that has to be ordered by a doctor.  

  5. aneurysms will kill you really fast. but he passed out, so that's pretty bad. you need to go to emergency. if it gets worse, then call 911

  6. Have you given him headache tablets? if he has had more than 2 doses and still has a headache then its time to get medical help.  Tell him your concerns and that aneurysms are very deadly  if they burst.

  7. It could be a migraine, or a spinal migraine even.  I doubt it is an aneurysm as usually you know right away that something major is wrong and most have enough pain you want to go to the hospital.

    Regardless, of migraine, blood clot, aneurysm he should go to ER and have some neuro tests and an MRA (with contrast).  It's always better to err on the safe side.  

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