
Bad Places in Mexico...?

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ok guys i need to know some bad places in doin a project and i have to put good places to go and where not to go in MEXICO. Im from Mexico, but i cant remember alot cause i only lived there for 7 years So please help me!




  1. BAD places, theres only two, Nuevo Laredo and Mexico City

  2. I try to avoid generalizations, because this practice tends to promote misguided, unfair labels.  Within the "bad" cities, there can be positive aspects, and people doing good things.  However, it would be naive to pretend that serious, violent crime does not exist in some areas.  The fact is, some cities in Mexico have a reputation for being dangerous places.  The border cities are usually cited as being tough places where crime is higher than many places in the interior of Mexico.  However, the crime in Mexico City rivals or surpasses any other place in the country.  

    Mexico City is a huge city, with both positives and negatives: much opportunity  and culture, but also high crime and pollution.

    Cities generally regarded as being among the most dangerous in the country are Matamoros, Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez and Mexico City.

  3. I don't no many places in Mexico but the ones Ive been in are pretty nice like comala and guadalajara. el D.F(mexico city) is nice but not the people. they say you can get you socks stolen without even taking you shoes off.

    good luck!!

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