
Bad Runner?

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I really suck at running. We do 1400m runs in school, and most of my friends get times in 6 or 7 minutes, while I get over 9 minutes. I've never been much of an athlete, but is it true that some people just 'aren't made for running' or stuff like that? Or can anybody be a good athlete with the right training, diet, lifestyle, etc?




  1. No one just isnt made for running. It can be harder to run if your very overweight, but anyone can be made to be a good athlete. And by good i mean like 5 minute miles at top shape when your 18ish. You do need some natural ability to get 4:30s and sub-fours. If you work hard and push yourself every time you run, youll improve.

  2. Just about anyone can improve.  It is true that some people may be natural and are born with the ability to run fast.  You will need to train if you want to get better.  I suggest run once a week if you want to get better.  A lot of running has to do with the brain.  You need to tell yourself you can do it and not think negatively.  I'm in 8th grade and I run it in 5:36.  I used to be horrible but I trained and improved.  So basically train every once in a while if you want to get better and think positively.  TELL YOURSELF YOU CAN DO IT!  Soon enough you will be beating your friends. Good luck!

  3. There may be a lot of things that keep you off the pace in a 1400 test. But diet and lifestyle probably aren't real important (unless you smoke or are quite a bit overweight).

    Remember, your heart is a muscle and it needs to be strengthened just like any other muscle. You strengthen your heart and whole cardiovascular system by forcing your heart to beat at a higher rate of speed for a long period of time. Not heart-racing speed (like 180 beats per minute), but more rapidly than normal.

    With practice, your resting heart rate will get slower — a stronger heart doesn't have to beat as many times in a minute because you have made it stronger and more efficient.

    To improve you need to run at least three times a week. That 9 minute 1400 is a good place to start, but you need more than that.

    I'd suggest running slowly (jogging) for 20 minutes straight three or four times a week. Try this for a couple of weeks and see if you start doing better in your school runs.

    No, I don't believe everyone can run a 5-minute mile when they are 18. That's pretty fast for most people. But you can improve — no question about that.

    Also, be sure you are striking your heel first on each step. If you are trying to run a 1400 on your toes, you are going to tire out your legs very quickly. Each step you should plant your heel first and it should roll forward to your toes.  This might not be part of your problem, but I've seen cases like this.

    I've coached a lot of junior high runners and made them able to run a pretty good 4000s in just a few weeks. If you really want to improve, you can. Three times a week is needed, though (four or five is better). Don't expect to improve with any less frequency.

  4. Anyone can be a strong runner with hard work and training and a healthy diet. keep trying hard and you could be one of the top in your class. Maybe you need to look harder at what event works better for you. Without talent you can usually achieve a decent standard.

    I hope things work out for you
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