Bought the motor - used twice. Struggled to properly start the first time, believe I flooded it etc. Got it running, ripped up and down the lake...all was good. Ran wide open fine, trolled and idled fine. A couple times though, when going from slow to high speed, it would only go about 60-70% of it's potential full speed - consistently though, not cutting in and out. Then later, after trolling, stopping etc, full speed would be there again. Never any problem starting though.
Second time out it started better (likely me), but the high speed problem still there.
Took it for a tune up and he said the carb was out. He "fixed" it.
Then it wouldn't troll without stalling, and high speed cut in and out and all over. A complete mess. Now he says it needs a new stator. I've read a bit about stators. But, I'm wondering if I actually need one, or if I'm being taken advantage of. HELP!