
Bad acne on my back how to I get rid of it?

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I never used to break outs until recently and it's effecting my back the most... it's super gross is there a cream or something I should try for my back? I work out a lot so it has to be something that will cure it with me sweating a lot..




  1. oil on your really is that simple!  Use proactiv!  I'm not just saying that...but you need to use it religiously!

  2. I recommend using a tea tree soap bar twice a day. Then after apply Tea Tree Oil. It is natural and the oil is an antiseptic so it kills germs on your skin. It doesn’t dry out my face or clog pores. I have been using it for a few months and my skin is 100% different. Make sure you use it everyday. You will see results in a week. You can buy it at health stores and one brand I use is “Thursday Plantation”. It is about 15$. I highly recommend this practice. It really works and is good for your skin! :) Good luck

  3. Well first off, take a shower after working out and sweating, because that is when your pores on your back are getting clogged and ****.  I use proactive like the above says, but you can use any Acne wash. They actually make Acne body wash that you can find almost anywhere.  Nuetrogena makes a good one.  Also pick up a Mesh Lufa to use with the body wash and scrub your back with.  I know it seems girly to buy a lufa, but CVS and most convenient stores carry black or blue colored ones to make it less... feminine.  It works.

  4. 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

  5. Is there anything that you may be using thats breakin u out?

    You may need to check out a dermatologist if you so.

    Just try to keep ur skin moisturized and make sure to wash it at at least twice a day, overwahsing it can mess it up.

    Dont use Proactiv unles u are willing to make a life long commitment lol.

  6. if your a guy and using steroids theres nothin u can do, i mean u can wachurself as much as u can it may help but .... its a hormone thing and it wont help

    if thats not the case then somethin i used to use and it worked really well was...........

    a salt scrub

    take table salt mix it with a little bit of liqud soap any kind.... ( something mild but cleansing my fave is nutregina face soap, its pure glicerin so it gets u "squeekie"clean

    anyway mix it enough so that its thick andu can still feel the ganuals

    if u cant do it urself get someoneto help u so that it can be done really well,... and wash ur back in the shower or whatever

    the soap cleans as the salt scatches the serface to get rid of dead skin that could be blockinga nd infecting ur skin on ur back. the slat also soaks in and kills all the bactiea in the poors

    thsi also works on ur ace but u have to be careful cuz ur face skin is more delicate then ur back

    shower after u work out, and try and get some sun. even if its in ur back yard alone for 20 min. it really helps,....

    if u sont want to use the salt thing

    try taking a q-tip and soaking it in rubbing alc

    dab each pimple on ur back with the alc,.... it kills the germs

    if it stings its working :)

  7. I think the best thing you can do is consult a dermatologist, and never ever try any kind of cream without a consultation.

    I live in Jordan (Middle East) and most skin problems here can be cured at the Dead Sea (very salty) either by mud wraps or by just laying back and relaxing while floating in the salty sea, it stings at first but it does wonders for the skin.

    Ask around, as i know that you can find Dead Sea salt and mud in the states, if you don't then tell me i will ask around here and get you contact information.

    Hope you feel better.

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