
Bad anxiety...?

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I tend to have anxiety at the most random times. I don't want presciption medication cause I don't want to feel like a zombie. Are there any over the counter medications or herbal supplements I can take? Teas? I'd appreciate your input...thanks!




  1. Remedy

    Sometimes experiencing anxiety is perfectly normal; feeling anxious in situations that would normally produce anxiety is a perfectly healthy reaction.

    Until recently, the preeminent botanical remedy for anxiety was kava, an herb from the South Pacific. This Chinese herbal remedy calms the spirit, clears heart phlegm, nourishes heart yin, supplements blood, heart, and kidney. Individuals likely to respond to this remedy feel anxiety from mental stress and suffer from a lack of confidence. A natural remedy to anxiety due to fear of loud noises, visits, grooming showers, separation anxiety, weaning, travel, sickness and training classes. Chamomile is an old folk remedy for anxiety, particularly when anxiety causes insomnia. Homeopathic remedy for calming noise and change-based anxiety. Passionflower has been used as folk remedy to treat anxiety. One temporary remedy for an anxiety/panic attack is taking glycerine. The remedy for anxiety is complete trust and confidence in God's ability to deal with anything that threatens us. Triple complex nerve tonic tissue salts is a preoven, safe and effective remedy to protect against and treat anxiety and panic attacks. Relaxing remedy Kava kava is a safe and proven remedy for anxiety that does not cause drowsiness or effect the user's ability to operate machinery. But perhaps no herbal remedy is quite as effective as Kava Kava. A healthy remedy to anxiety is to take action. A Remedy for Fear.

  2. I used this for my sleep/anxiety problem for about three months & its showing good results.At the time of placing order i was i was thinking of getting my money back. But then the results were pretty surprising.

  3. Kava Kava

  4. Other folks have listed a good number of herbal remedies that are worth trying, in addition to eliminating foods containing caffeine, artificial colors and flavors, and hugh amoundt of sugar, You may want to take steps to ellow 8 hours time available for sleeping each night. Even if you do not actually sleep, if you recline and try to rest this helps. Additionally a balance of daily moderate exercise and meditation will help.

  5. Dear Betty,

    Extracted from people experiences:

    "My neurologists over the years have tried a number of different anticonvulsant and antidepressant medications at different levels, but no medication controlled my seizure activity or my anxiety consistently.

    So I tried the Mangosteen Fruit Juice for 90 days. I didn't notice anything at first. After a few weeks, I started to feel physically better, my long-term and short-term memory started to improve, my vision is now better, my anxiety level diminished"

    For more info feel free to browse the

    or drop me an email and I'll forward you with some other people experiences.

  6. OTC item would include,:5 HTP;tryptophan;calcium and magnesium,natural tranquilizers;B-complex;Whey protein powder at 1/2 of dose on side of jar;it includes glutamine,tyrosine ,glycine,all good by themselves for anxiety;like 250mg tyrosine,usually comes in 500mg tab or cap,cut open n take 1/2 for dose;St Johns wort ext is great.GABA quiets the brain;See,;,Lifeextnsio... and type anxiety in. also see,;
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