
Bad auto compressor or clutch?

by  |  earlier

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In the mornings my ac is cold and in the afternoon it works sporadically. Not sure if the clutch is bad or if it is the whole compressor? When it is not running (no cold air) I can pop the hood and tap on the belt wheel to get the compressor spinning which will create cold air, untill it stops again.




  1. It most likely is the clutch but check for low voltage to the clutch as it could be in the wiring or thermostat giving resistance.Also blow out the area around the clutch with compressed air to remove junk that could be stopping it.

  2. the clutch.

  3. It wouldn't really matter anyways. But to answer you question that would be a clutch probaly. Nevertheless you have to purchase a whole compressor nowadays. You use to could just rebuild starters and alternators. Compressors were no different but now they don't make rebuilds for them anymore. Good Luck!

  4. You've answered your own question.  If the compressor is capable of rotating and providing refrigeration, then it's okay.

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