
Bad case of Baloney! Help!LOL

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For dinner tonight I had baloney sausages and for some reason they make me f**t like h**l ! It feels like I have so much gas in my stomach that I could f**t constantly for years! I just sat down with my bf to watch a movie and had to excuse myself. Im in the office right now letting rip majorly!! He is calling me back but dont want to have to pass gas in front of him all night!!! OMG! It stinks! So bad! eeeewww! Have none of that beano or anything so what r some home remedies?




  1. Stop eating baloney sausages or eat them if you know you are not going to be in contact with someone for at least 1-2 hours. Otherwise you may eat baloney sausages and f**t in the lift full of passengers.

  2. Massage your stomach and Eat yogurt and sour cream.

    Im not lieng


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