
Bad days in tennis?

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Are there such things as bad days in tennis?

Where you just cant seem to play as well as you do sometimes/normally?

And there's not really any good kind of explanation for it?




  1. Yep. When me and my friends are playing, one of us is usually like "Man, I suck today!".

    Lol, but it's normal. I think mostly everyone has had one of those days. You shouldn't feel bad/ worried.


  2. Yes, we're only human so not perfect, specially when you have some injuries, not feeling so good or if you just came from some minor illness. This usually happens if you came very unprepared & ya really rely on your talent as being over confident as well

    Even if you're in good condition, you just can't perform well. But I have a secret to counter a bad start. I analyzed my own personal playing behavior & it worked for me, I hope it would on ya too.

    Before playing a match:

    1- I psyched up for the match & think positive that I can beat my opponent.

    2- I do 15 to 30 mins of warming up exercises, stretching, all routine tennis exercises as like in golf. Ya can check for these exercises.

    Very effective. I can only be beaten by players that's 2 to 3 higher level than me. Very seldom though.

  3. Bad days happen all the time, Just watch any pro tennis player, ask any club player.

    You may just be off your game for what ever reason. Played to much that week, muscles just a bit fatigued. not enough sleep your timing for hitting the ball is just a bit behind. This happened to me last week I was coming down with the flu, the next day, so I felt fine while I was playing, I thought, I didn't feel sick or tired but my body was starting to accept fatigue and for what ever reason I was drained and did not have that extra jump on the ball and lost to someone that I usually beat. And that night I was fealing really sick then woke up with  a really bad cold.

    So lots of things can happen with the old body. It can sometimes let you down. Look at Gasquet last week, he played what he and others thought was his worst game since he was in the Jr's, for no apparent reason.

  4. yeh they're always are bad days, you can get them frequently or rarely. Sometimes you will get bad sets or bad games, but all in all, we all have bad games

  5. There are bad days in everything, including tennis.  Bad patches can last for a day or a few games, or as long as a few months, or even longer.  It's important to get one's rhythm and timing right on their swing, and when it's slgihtly off, that's when bad patches in play tend to occur.  Or it could be a problem concentrating that can throw a player off their game.  It can happen to anyone, even the very best players.

  6. Absolutely.

    When Serena's boyfriend stupidly broke up with her during hte Grand Slam, she couldn't play for beans. Poor thing.

    And just the other day I couldn't volley for beans. I guess if you're thoughts are just a bit off, you can be off too.

  7. Of course there are. Just like theres good days when you can hit everything good, there are days when you can't seem to do anything right on court. It can be nerves, a break in routine, a bad warmup session, physical pain, etc, etc.

  8. yes i do, sometimes my serves are amazing but my shots suck....and vice versa, sometimes im bad all together and some days i'm awesome!!!!!! (like today)

  9. yes..
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