
Bad dream or nightmare ?

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So I go take a kitty nap today and I have this awful dream. My father and I go to this resort and there is a 25 foot deep pool there. My dad says don't go in the pool. I say if I go in will you let me drown for being hard headed or save me? He says let you drown for being hard headed. I meet these ppl on the resort and they drive their car right into the pool. My dad didn't know I was in the pool so I ended up drowning in the water. It felt so real like my other the dream I had this morning. I woke up gasping for air. I went to go ask my dad the same question I asked him in my dream he said he would save me even if I was being hard headed. What does my dream mean?




  1. You Dad is symbolic of an authority figure. You Dad is (symbolically) God (even though God knows everything) is speaking to you and lovingly warning you. Don't test the Lord. God is speaking to you and Showing you that without God in your life you will sink. But if you turn to Him you wont sink. We all want ot do our ow thing but doing or own thing and going our own way  is not always beneficial to us as you seen in the dream.

    I believe God is speaking to you in this dream and believe me we can ALL be hardheaded.Myself included.

  2. It means you are hard headed.  But your daddy loves you.

  3. It sounds like you respect your father very much and deep down you have a fear of letting him down.

  4. in the bible, there was a man who could interpret dreams, only God can interpret dreams though my sis did find one site on interpreting dreams i forgot which site??

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