
Bad dream or weird sickness?

by  |  earlier

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My hubby woke up and said like for about 30 seconds he saw flashes of light got shocks and felt like he couldn't move. He thinks he was awake but it could have been a bad dream. Are there weird sicknesses that would be like that?




  1. i think it was a bad dream because i never heard of that sickness or if you think im wrong he should see a doctor

  2. it could be vertigo. vertigo is where u get really light headed and dizzy for a few min. kinda like wen u stand up  real fast. That would explain the white lights and the possible sensation of being shocked. like parts of his body were going numb. dont think it was a dream if he was awake afterwards. def see a doctor.

  3. Umm tell a doctor.

    Just to be safe.

  4. he should definatly go and see a doc, ASAP!!! this can be symtoms of brain tomours, and other problems.    

    Pleez help me with my question;...

  5. i think it was probably i bad dream was it raining or was there lightning outside this will sound weird but were the lights on that can usally have a weird effect when someone sleeps don't ask why cuz i don't know that part. but i have had the most random dreams that feel real and i get confused.was your hubby acting weird the rest of the day?because then mabye it's a weird sickness but i hope it's not!

  6. I've heard of this before.  When you enter the stage of sleep where you dream your brain releases chemicals that sort of paralyzes your body so you don't act out your dreams.  Sometimes you can wake up and your body hasn't recovered so you can't move for a few seconds and you could still be dreaming or thinking about your dream which disorients you... aka the flashing lights.  They talk about this when people claim they were abducted by aliens.  

  7. I agree with Dan. I've had something similar and a bunch of people I know have too. It's a freaky feeling, but nothing out of the ordinary.

  8. Certain stages of sleep cause paralysis, that is why when having a nightmare people say they were trying to scream and couldn't, or were trying to run or fight off the "Monster" but were frozen and couldn't move.

    If you are open minded then the flashing lights and the shocks, are often  seen and felt as the spirit is reentering the body after astral travel, they are the after effect of meeting other travellers and spirits  and or the spirit side trying to make contact. We are most open to this in a sleep state; the second of re entry to your body after astral projection often "Jerks " you into sudden clear Wakefulness, but it takes a few seconds for your body to catch up.

    That being said, there are many medical  causes of these types of symptoms, anything from a migraine headache, high blood pressure, or a detached retina, to a brain tumor or a tumor of the eye or optic nerve. Has he perhaps had a head injury or concussion recently?

    Is this a "One Off" incident or has it happened before or since then?

    I think a visit to the Doctor is in order to rule out any physical cause for it. If all is well and good, then perhaps a visit to a reputable spiritualist church, for an explanation and help to deal with it or perhaps develop his ability is he is inclined to do so.

    Please be reassured that there is nothing Bad or Evil in being able to see spirits from the other side.

  9. Something paranormal. Most people are too ignorant to honestly consider this.

  10. drugs...or vitamim deficency

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