
Bad dreams - ssooo tired?

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my man is by my side every night, except the one or 2 nights a week his daughters sleep over.. those nights, he takes them to his parents house.. they arent ready for the transition yet... but tonight, i am having a very hard time.. every time i close my eyes, i have these horrific dreams about killer shepherds and robots and blood.. its just bad.. my dog is sleeping with me, but she's not much comfort... i have no fear of shepherds.. in fact, my man has the most beautiful one ever, who protects me and i love him.. but, i am scared awake by my dreams and i am exhausted... can anyone tell me what to do?

signed: the 27 year old fraidy cat




  1. Sorry to hear that, I have nights like this also and what I find that works is just staying up and reading and turning on the radio/television. You could also try drinking some hot cocoa or warm milk this tends to conk me out when I'm in my creepy mindstate.

  2. Calming down after a bad dream can be tough at times. Try playing some soft and relaxing music. It sounds strange, but if you have a shaker or maraca or bells or something you could make a rhythmic sound with - try it. It clears the mind in a startling way sometimes.  

    Dogs and animals often represent habits, but in this case you're looking at dogs that are used for hunting - police dogs, and robots? Robots can mean monotonous routine schedules, repetitive lifestyles, and blood is life force. You didn't give much detail, and everyone's dream symbols are personal to how they react to the symbols. For example in this case you said you're not afraid of shepherds so is there something in your life that you generally don't have a problem with that is really getting to you?

    Do you have a probably feeling hunted, policed, or imprisoned with a monotous routine or feel like a robot in the way you live?

    Ask your higher power or inner self to show you what it is in your life that you feel is attacking you.

    I have more about dreams, symbolism, and energy in my newsletters at

    or you can sign up to receive them at (it's free)

  3. I suggest to have s*x hole night and sleep in the morning....

  4. aweee that sucks. but what you can do is pray and and say a prayer to your pillow. it might sound weird but it helps me . i use to dream about men coming into my house and shooting everyone in the head while they slept. i would wake up and cry and would say a blessing to my pillow and will dream of nothing but a good sleep <3

  5. I get scared sometimes when I am trying to sleep too. But i find that no matter how afraid I am, i know I am very trierd, my body is tierd and it is time to sleep. So i have something llike a fan on, or soft music to drown out the creaking sounds of the house, and then breathe. Breathe in for 3 seconds, breathe out for 3 seconds. And start counting back from 100. If you start to fall asleep at 80 and kind of jolt out of it again, restart from 100 and then youll eventually stay asleep.

  6. I always try think a ball of lightning in my head spreading its electricity in my skull. Then i think of a ripple of water. Its works for me :)

  7. i'm sorry.  i suggest watching tv or reading a book.  anything that will get your mind off your dreams.  when you're distracted, hopefully you can go back to sleep.  good luck

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