
Bad economic situations yet they buy chains and rims?

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how come poor/ lower class people who are more poor than other people, spend all their money on rims chains and nice clothes when they should be spending it on better things? (Ex: rap videos show them living in the "hood" yet they have the nicest things)




  1. Woa, take a step back there Eli-Su... she's just asking an honest question.....d**n.

    I've always wondered that too.  

    It's a self-serving 'status thing', if you ask me.  

    It glorifies the individual and not the family.  Hence, the breakup of the family structure that has been happening in that culture.  Of course there's plenty of other things (like drugs and alcohol) that will wreck a family too.

  2. Mixed up priorities...

  3. is this your clumsy way of trying not to be so ignorant , by asking questions?

    ---->"ExRAP VIDEOS SHOW THEM "( oh, THAT'S credible proof of what these people's lives are like  eh? EVERYBODY knows when they shoot a video they just go down to the crack hooker section of the city and start filming!!!

    Sorry. I know you're trying to talk. And I'm TRYING to talk back-but I find your question's LOADED nature quite overwhelmingly exhasperationg.

    1) those chains are NOT gold!  ok?

    2)those rims are nice, but they find them SOCIALLY necessary, and have to go without furniture to buy them sometimes.

    3)what are you out to do here, by implying the poor people arent poor enough????

      Are you working for the right wing, and you want to tax them EVEN MORE, and raise gas and food even MORE?(by claiming they "must have" more money )?!

  4. the reason they still live in the hood is because they spend their money on things they can't afford.

  5. That's a bad example, rappers gotta keep their street cred so they always go back to their hood roots.  

    What's really sad and scary is that youngsters think that they too can rap (or shoot hoops) their way to success, and no parent, cohort, teacher or culture will explain the folly of it to them.  It's all OK and PC now days. Just watch AI and you see the no-talents that think they've got it. Sports and music are the most competitive things you can get into.

    The seemingly poor choices that one makes with their limited funds is their choice.  We all have limited funds (not infinite) and we all deserve to do with it whatever we want (legally) and pursue happiness (chrome wheels).

    The fact that money spent on foolishness like grills on the teeth, chrome on the car and gold (going up these days BTW), is helping some part of the economy - think big picture.

    You are free to s***w up & fail, avoid responsibilities, remain ignorant, depend on gov't services and make babies in this country. That is the truth of it.

    When people turn into desparate, gun toting thugs, then we can shoot back or at least send them off to pre-college (prison).

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