
Bad eyesight, natural healing?

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i have short sightedness

and i do not want to lazik

i read about natural healing and relaxation techniques

but i have to pay ridiculous amounts of money to get them.

are they a big scam, or is natural healing real??

this is a serious question.

i really wanna undo my bad eyesight so i can become a airforce pilot.

but lazik is not permitted, nor are contacts or glasses.

is there any other way?




  1. In response to "are they a big scam, or is natural healing real?", the true answer may be somewhere in between.  Much information, including the complete text of old books on the subject, is freely accessible online.  Do a search for "Bates method".  Don't pay for anything before you've become informed.

  2. There are a number of natural vision improvement programs available... some are a bit expensive, while others are not.

    I am currently using the Rebuild Your Vision Program -

    It normally costs $97, but there seems to be a promotion which allows you to try it free for 30 days. Check out it here -

    A cheaper option is the Program For Better Vision -

    However, I don't have any experience with the Program For Better Vision.

    Here are some free exercises that you can try:

    Hope this helps...

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