
Bad first day of high school help?!?

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Today was my first day of high school

and I just moved so im not going to school with anyone i know.

I didnt make any friends.

at lunch i sat by myself because i had no one to sit with

and its not like theres just tables and you can go up

and ask if you can sit there.

2 girls sat near me and they were juniors probibly

and they said hi and told me their names

but its not like their my friends.

soooo to get to the point

i need to make some friends.




  1. Even if they seem like complete losers get to know them, you may like them. Sorry your first day sucked, that really stinks.  But just be as outgoing and social as possible. Talk to the 2 girls more and see if you can sit with them, then the freshman will think it's cool that your friends with juniors. Idk i've never moved before but good luck!

  2. try to just talk to some of the people in ur class like ask for there hobbies or something. At lunch, i reconmend finding somebody else who is also sitting alone and sit with them because chances are, they are looking for a friend too.  just try to smile, be nice, and be ur self good luck :)  

  3. just talk to people.

    for example you could have made conversation with those girls.

    just when you go to class talk to the people that sit next to you.

  4. Two juniors told you their names--good for you!  If you have the chance, write them down and talk to them later--not in a needy, hang-off-their-arms sort of way, just say hi in the hallway and possibly ask them about who the good teachers are and stuff.

    The trick with making friends at school: see _everyone_ as a potential friend.  I know it doesn't seem like you could be friends with them, but get to know them a little better--talk to people in your classes, especially the people sitting on either side of you.  Introduce yourself to them, make a remark about the class or make a funny joke about the teacher's tie--whatever you want.

    Put yourself out there.  Be really friendly.  Even if it's not really your nature, no one knows that, and you can scale it back down once you get to know people.

    Best of luck!

  5. join a sport or club, that easy because you have similar interests,

    or try to make conversation with a neighbor in a class, and then casually mention youre new and if you could sit with them at lunch

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