my boyfriends daughter lives with us, but just recently in december, before that she had always lived with her mother...and her mother has not helped her with school or life in general, so... now i am dealing with a 10 year old girl who brings home horrible grades in school, she is in 5th grade and didnt even know her multipication table! we've been working on that... but her reading is bad as well. she reads at a 3rd to 4th grade level...we had a meeting with her teahcers, and we're trying our best at home to help too... but she still isnt bringing home goood grades, im at my wits end, and i donnot know what else to do....any suggestions?
and on top of that, she lies, ALOT! and her lying can be over the most ridiculous thing ever! this morning i had a talk with her and explained the next time i catch her in a lie she is grounded, but i know she will continue to do so, and it's hard bc it is something she has picked up from her mother, so how can i brake this bad habit?