
Bad hygiene habits...What to do??

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My 6 year old son has HORRIBLE hygiene habits...When he goes to the bathroom, he doesn't flush, put the seat down or wash his hands. When I ask him to brush his teeth, he doesn't (I always do a scape test with my finger). Sometimes I have to send him back 2 or 3 times to brush his teeth correctly. He had better habits when he was 3 years old - so, I know he knows better. What gives?? My husband says it's because he's a boy, but that just doesn't fly with me. Any suggestions?




  1. kick his ***

  2. Try a rewards chart... he'd get a sticker each time he does it right - like a sticker for each time he puts the seat down and each time he flushes and each time he washes his hands afterwards, a sticker each time he brushes his teeth well without being sent back to do it again, etc..  A certain number of stickers gets him a prize of some sort that he can look forward to... even if it's just something from the dollar store, or getting to play a game or watch a DVD, etc...

  3. I had a similar problem with my son when he was 3. He was happy to pee in the toilet, but not poo. I couldn't figure out why and he couldn't explain it.

    He was really into Thomas the Tank engine toys at the time. I made up a poster-sized chart and hung it on the wall. I had about 8 rows of 20 boxes each, with each row leading to a specific Thomas toy that I knew he wanted.

    Every time he pooed in the right place (giving him lots of leeway at first), I gave him a Thomas sticker to put in a box. He could choose whatever box he wanted.

    He quickly got the hang of both pooing in the toilet and banking up those stickers and collecting the next toy!

    We were both over the moon, and within about 3 weeks we both abandoned the chart. (I subsequently bought him all the rest of the toys as a reward!)

    He no longer has any problems pooing. Well, he's 14. :-) Our problem now is getting him to remember to turn on the fan. Hey, maybe I could make up an iPod credit chart...

    You could use this idea to get your son to observe better personal hygiene habits.

    Good luck.

  4. All of my kids learned bathroom habits from watching my wife and I. From going potty, to brushing teeth, to showering and bathing. If you and your husband do this with him, he will catch on quickly. Kids love to emulate adults behavior. It makes them feel bigger. It only takes 21 consecutive days of repeated behavior for a human being to change an action into a habit.

  5. He is being rebellious and try to assert control.

  6. Set up a reward chart in the bathroom.... and tell him that you will add a sticker everytime he flushes, washes hand and brushes correctly.

    At the end of the day when he has done so many stickers (allow for about 2-3 mistakes first day) you will read his fav book or he EARNS some reward that is meaningful to him. Like a cartoon, or a walk, a game of football whatever.

    At the end of the week if he has stickers say 4 out of 5 times he gets a bigger reward like going to McD's  or a friend can spend the night whatever.

    Also explain that the tooth fairy doesn't give as much money for cavity teeth that haven't been brushed.

    You get the idea.

    And since hubby thinks its okay he can scrub the toilet cause it takes more work if not flushed after going. :)

  7. U need to teach him more on taking care of his hygiene

  8. I would take away about 5 mins of his favorite thing everytime he does one of these things. Make him know that what he is doing needs to stop now. I hope this helped!


  9. He's 6, remind him, remind him, remindhim, keep after him until he finally does it on his own.

  10. When he was 3 it was new and fun to do things for himself, but at six, he has more important things to do.  (at least he thinks so)  It's just not a priority to him, so you have to make it one.  I suggest a combination of good logical explanation, with a bit of abject humiliation and a good reward system.  My son has his flush able wipes and foam soap for quick easy cleaning.  I also tell him...that he'll lose his teeth and have stink breath if he doesn't brush them.  Most kids don't want to bathe at this age.  I have a chart for my son so he knows for sure when he has to take a shower.  There is no arguing anymore cause it just happens.  I think you just have to keep reinforcing the good habits and in time, when it becomes more important for him (like teenage years) he will be fine. At light when it's bed time I tell my son if he gets himself all cleaned up and ready he can stay up 15min extra.

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