
Bad idea,or good idea....HELP!!

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ok well i have bad anxiety that makes me cry when i go to school at the beginging of the school year, and it really effects my life, like playing sports and going to dances and stuff. so i am 13 and my mom wants to put me on medication but my dad thinks its a bad idea what do you think




  1. Bad idea.  There is a reason for the way you feel:  adolescence.  You're going through a lot of physical changes and these require hormones which can influence emotions.  It's not your fault, and it can't be medicated away.  All drugs have side effects, many of which will lead to other drugs.

    Try a natural way to improve your emotional outlook- exercise.  Grab your ipod, put on your tennies and go for a jog.

    Identify the source of your anxiety, and take steps to confront it.

    Yoga is terrific for controlling anxiety- see if you can take a class at a local gym or community center.

    It's a cliche, but "motivational  experts" are fond of the term "fake it 'til you make it."  In other words, if you want to be confident and enthusiastic, act like you ARE.  Play the role.  Others will come to view you that way, which will eventually help you to feel it too.  

    So play sports, and go to dances.  Breathe deep, and focus on positive things.  Don't isolate yourself- it makes it so much worse.  Find someone to talk to, or a support group online.

    Good luck.

  2. In my opinion, Your "anxiety" is most likely in your head and there nothing really wrong with you. just keep yourself happy and there will be no need for medication.

  3. If you feel the medication will help you, then there's no harm in giving it a try. Some meds do make you sleep, but if your doctor is willing to prescribe you one that actually helps with your anxiety, then I don't see any harm in it. This is your choice, and your dad should let you try it out. If your mom is willing to let you try it, then have her take you to the doctor   =)

    I would only use medication as a last resort, though. Working through things yourself can be better than any med out there, that way you overcome the obstacles and you know you don't have to be dependent on anything else. Good luck  =)

  4. The main treatment of severe anxiety is counseling and education.  You must recognize that most kids goes through this to a greater or lesser degree.  There may be a limited role for anti-anxiety medication, but it certainly shouldn't be routine, or the only treatment.  

    You need to learn stress and anxiety reducing techniques, Cognitive behaviour therapy is very useful and has been validated clinically (interestingly, some of what some Alties do under the guise of things like EFT is really CBT)

    There are no absolutes. It isn't a good vs bad issue.  

  5. It's all part of the process of growing up.  That's why they used to call it growing pains.  Your hormones are out of whack, your body is changing, you've got peer pressure.  Everyone goes through it.  So I'd say no to the medication.  If you have to start taking medication now to deal with life, how many medications will you need as an adult to deal with life?  Don't even start.  Try meditation, and visualation.

    See yourself starting school and everything being fine.  Take some deep breaths suck it up and just do it.  You'll be fine.

    You are a beautiful person, you are strong, and you can handle it.

    Good Luck.

  6. SMOKE WEED lol...seriously  

  7. I would not get into the habit at 13 of finding a fix for your problems in a bottle of pills. Work your way through your problems. Learn to do yoga and meditation. You're never too young.

  8. Bad idea. Go to a naturopathic doctor and let them help you. Some chiropractors will too. Medicine may kill you or change who you are completely. Good luck.

  9. Bad idea, you will out grow this in time, and meds can have other effects on you in the long run

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