
Bad memories again? Help! please?

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When i was 7 I hadn't known it was bad for people to touch... there... (private part) and my older cousin took advantage of me. He massaged there but with pants and underwear on but when i remembered that my mom said NO ONE could touch there I got scared I'm thinking about telling my older cousin to tell them since it was his fault but they would probably yell at me. I'm scared and it won't get out of my mind!




  1. You know i had a similar situation. I had the horniest sister. When i was 5 or 6 she would hump me! And she would make out with me..but i actually like it because i remember thinking about ken the doll! We never talk about that now. One time i told my mom about it and she didnt believe me. Its really hard for family to deal with stuff like that and ackward. She has to choose between the two family members. Lucky for me, i didnt have any resulting emotional problems from this..atleast not any that i know of. ...the only problems i had were having a kid at 14 and bieng horny and knowing what s*x was since i was really young. She would also read pornos to me! my sister was such a horny little thing, Idont talk to her now though. Not because of that but other issues. Its just something we never talk about.  

  2. Aww that sucks! I think you should definitley tell your mom about it, you shouldnt just keep it a secret or it will just drive you crazy! Good luck =]

    Oh and dont listen to the first anwsers that say "Just get over it" cuz they are idiots!

  3. Have you talked to your cousin about this?  If you're both close in age maybe it's a good idea for the two of you to talk about how it has made you feel. The best healing comes from communication and forgiveness.

  4. OMG!

    I think you should stay away from him

    if its really bothering you then talk to your cousin about it. after that if you guys cant work out a solution then tell your mom.

    very sorry to hear that.....but good luck i hope everything works out!


  5. don't think about it! switch your thoughts like listening to your favorite music, watch movies.. go shopping and such..

    past is past

    never think about past

    past is now a history

    what makes importance is not past and tomorrow, its TODAY!!!

  6. What done is done and should not be remembered again.

  7. I would go up to him and remind him of what he did and tell him he is a sick bas$%&d for doing it and then you need to go get help if it is bothering you like that so you can move on.

  8. Just know this, that what happened was normal childish acting out of s*x acts. It happens and it's normal. He was at an age when experimenting becomes evident and you just happened to be the guinea pig. So just let it go, and tell yourself that you did nothing wrong.

  9. Get over it! it was a long time ago and all kids experiment that way.

  10. You need to talk to your mother about this in a private setting. She can help you deal with these negative feelings. If you don't tell then your cousing could do this to someone else. It may be alittle uncomfortable to approach the subject, but you need to let adult that you can trust know that this happened to you.

  11. Talk to your doctor, a school counselor, or other adult whom you can trust. You can deal with this memory, but being able to talk to a trusted person will help and is a good first step. Good luck!

  12. This is in no way your fault. Do not feel guilty or bad that this happened. Your cousin was older and took advantage of you. Sit down with your mom and tell her. She is your mother, remember that. She wants nothing but the best for you. It will be hard to tell her but you have to. Something has to be done to your cousin for the actions that he did. He could be doing this to other kids also. Do not leave this up to your cousin to tell them. He will do anything he can to cover his own butt. Be honest and straight forward with your parents. I wish you nothing but the best in life and am so sorry you had to go through something like this.

  13. I think you should talk to a psychologist, because it wasn't your fault and you need to put it behind you.

  14. I think that it was wrong what happen to you but you need to tell some one. I mean you are going to still fell the same way but you would of told some one.  Take care..........

  15. I know the feeling, it wont go, so what you have to do is accept it so that you will be able to let go, or else face your cousin about it ! At least you are lucky to remember the details!

  16. most children investigate the other gender's private parts - I remember the first time it happened to me when a youngster - by another youngster.  It made an impact on me because I had never thought about it before and didn't understand his curiosity after all, I knew what was there, why didn't he?

    for you to feel anything about it at this point may mean that it created feelings for you at the time - for instance, if it felt good or if he asked you if it felt good and you responded (honestly) that it did, you might have some guilt about it but honestly, it's just something children do as they explore their world and it's something your own children will likely experience.

    Unless it happened recently, there's really no justification to point the finger of guilt at him now.  File it away in your happy memory file and move on.

  17. you have to tell your mom. i was a victim of will feel much better when you tell your mom.she can handle it. think about this too -if he did it to you he will do it to will be saving another innocent child from the suffering you have right now. you have the power to stop was not your fault. and you can fix the problem and yourself by telling your dosent matter how long ago it happened. you need to tell.

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