
Bad memory..........

by  |  earlier

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well a couple weeks ago as in 5 weeks ago,some stuff happend as in my head started to spin and time was going by so fast and it felt like i was dreaming,and sence then time has been going by so fast,and i have to ask my self what happend this week and stuff like that im only 17 years old,only what should i do.I dont want to die sooner.




  1. dont worry, its probably stress. just slow down and relax.

  2. sounds like a panic attack or something along that nature. go to your regular doctor and see what he says do.  My guess is stess. Yes it is rough being a teenager. School, homework, chores, maintaining friends and a social status. It is truly rough. SEE A DOCTOR!!

  3. Don't worry, it's normal. When you add pain killers to weed, you're gonna get a different high. There's no need to rush to a hospital, you won't die. The high will pass. Of course you're going to feel numb, that's what pain killers do.

  4. lol are u smoking to much weed?

  5. Sounds like you had a panic attack.  Try some good weed.
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