
Bad mother-daughter relationship. help? ?

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so long story short. me and my mom are trying to start over. we live at my nana and grandpa's and we have to share a room with only a double bed. i usually go to my friends house a lot to get out of the house and so my grandpa and nana wont nag me about every little thing i do. a few days ago my mom text me if i wanted to go visit my cousin for a while. i said not today because i had plans (i think its rude to cancel plans last min) and then she text me back saying how selfish i am lately and that i never change my plans for anyone(which i do, ive called in sick so much to make her happy that my boss thinks ive quit). these texts went on for a while and then i just ignored them. i have no idea what ive done to p**s her off. she yells at me when im home to much or yells at me when she thinks im out with my friends to much. i hate being at my nana and grandpa's because im treated like im 5 and im not, ill be 18 in 7 months. and then yestarday when i was about to go out for a bit my nana comes up to me and tells me how i should be nicer to my mom cuz shes getting pissed. how can i be nicer? i havent talked to her in 5 days because shes always in bed when i come home (which isnt late). that kindda pissed me off cuz whats my mom doing? getting my nana to do her dirty work of yelling at me when shes at work all day?

i just dont know how to handle this anymore. whenever i think about it i start to cry because i just dont know what do. does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this?




  1. 1-800-394-4673

  2. possibly your mom is going through a hard time.  we all have them.  as the caring daughter that you seem to be, at least part of the time, i'd make some alone time together with her.  maybe a 2- 3 hour lunch and shop somewhere every sunday morning.  find a time just for her, set it in stone and keep it there for several months, until she's feeling better again.  you both will have some time to bond and giggle.  you only have i mom.  adore her.

  3. try some one on one with her just like a week mom and daughter time talk things out go places then she cant say anything because u do show you care plus you two might get sick of each other and might need some alone time after that lol

  4. what i think you have to realize is that your mom is most likely depressed. and while her taking it out on you isn't right you cant change her. try doing something nice to help pick her spirits up, buy her a heartfelt card and tell her you love her. talk to her about what you feel your responsabilities are and what you want in life. tell your nana your side of the story and express your concern to both of them that your mom may be depressed and should maybe see a dr. tell your nana tahnk you for taking you in. you'd be surprised how this little bit will go such a long way

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