
Bad neighbors. Can i write bad messages?

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my neighbors contacted the city and complained about my yard. now we are in violation b/c we have some wood lumber.ladder,rakes, boxes stored under our patio against the house. nobody's business to look into my property anyways. only the neighbors sees it and nobody can see from the front, so i know for a fact they called. can i write bad words and messages on a poster board and hang it in my back yard for them to see it? is it legal and will i get in trouble? freedom of speech?




  1. It would be a childish response.

    It was against the law, you got caught, get over it.

  2. It would probably not be illegal, but if they are the type of neighbors that would call about some type of mess that is in your yard then they would probably try to get you into more trouble.  Instead of putting up a nasty worded sign I would invest a little bit of money and put up a nice privacy fence(at least on the side with the bad neighbors).  You never know how long you will have them as neighbors and it is best to not to sink down to there level.

  3. Write it on their bathroom walls, in Japanese or Chinese characters, in blood. Scare the c**p out of them, make them look it up in a dictionary, and scare them even more. :D  

  4. Some neighbors are just jerks, trust me, I know.  Can you put up a fence tall enough that they can't see over?  Remember, fences do make good neighbors.

  5. Don't do it, just brings you down to their level. How about putting up a lattice on that section of the patio, one that you can open to get your rakes out of when you need them.

  6. Why!! would you want to cause more conflict between you and your neighbors??? why not approach them and talk about it. I think your revenge attempt is very juvenile.

  7. In the US, there is a website named badneighbor, and you can write about them so theat everyone can see where they live and how annoying they are.  It's pretty funny.

  8. first of all you have to learn the art of forgiveness

    is that legal or illegal?

    you putting some wood lumber.ladder,rakes, boxes stored under your patio against the house

    well if it is illegal then you have to accept that you made a mistake and own up to it

    thank the person cause they were concerned and something bad might have happened to you

    if it is legal

    why not talk to your neigbor and ask why he or she did that?

    the persons bound to come up with a good explanation

    just dont lose your temper cause that will not solve anything at all

    try to be more optimistic

    take care

    my pleasure! :D

  9. What ever you do, don't bring yourself down to their level. If they are nosy enough to look over your fence into the privacy of your yard, heaven only knows what garbage they would pull. Go to city code enforcement to find out exactly what the rules are about how you maintain private property,what you can and can't do. Storage,fences, noise, animals and so on. Don't use it against your neighbor, but to protect yourself so the next time they complain. And if they will evade your privacy, they will try to cause more trouble. Arm yourself with the facts and they will be the ones in trouble.  

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