
Bad on-line relationship... help!?

by  |  earlier

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So.. I play an MMORPG and lately me and one of my friends started 'hanging out more'. We had each others Msn and went on, and started talking. As it turns out, he's like.. in love with me. It's kind of creepy..

Anyways so a few nights ago I was really tired and we were on msn. He kept asking me if he'd ever want to go out and date and such. And I was really horny..

To make a long story short, we cybered. I really don't like this guy that way and do not want to be in a "relationship" with him. But I can't help it he gets me so.. in the mood, it's killing me! And even worse he's seen pics of me that.. shouldn't have been seen (but don't worry, he doesn't have copies or something). It's happened a lot and he's starting to get more serious about it each time!

How can I stop cybering with him? It's embarrassing to admit, but he really turns me on... I just don't know how to end this.


And I know, it was stupid to even get caught up in this.




  1. Online relatonships and cybering is for ugly people, who have a hard time finding someone out in the real world...

  2. lol sux. i kno how that goes. when i was younger i was in &quot;love&quot; with a girl online but that was just a stupid childish mistake ive never made again. just ignore. thats why msn comes with blocking. and im sure ur mmo game can block him as well


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