
Bad parents and troubled sister now what do i do??

by  |  earlier

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my mom and step dad have been critizing my younger sister(half but we call ourselves full blood sisters) for the past 2 years. she just turned 13 so shes turning into a teenager. they don't live anywhere near us they live in FL we live in MD. she lives with our two brothers i come to visit from school everyweekend but its like when all of us are on the phone togather (speaker and confrence) they always critize her about her weight, friends, grades, music, like evrything. she goes there to visit them avery summer and they always wonder why she acts like she hates them and we always tell them because they are mean to her. shes the youngest and now i'm really scard for her. it's like one week she was the normal girl we've all known she was always the type to keep her comments to herself till this one night she jus kirked off on them and they yell at her. that was last month now she barely eats she got her bellybutton and tounge periced, my brother found ciggretts in her bag, she has an older boyfriend and my parents blame it on us when it was there fault she did all this. how do we get them to understand they are the ones who caused it, that the critzing led to all this we try to help her but now we barely see her. my borthers have told me that she comes in at like 2 in the morning and and then after she sleeps for a couple hours she goes to "school" or out somewhere else. so i guess i have two questions

1)how do i get our parents to understand that they helped caused this?

2)and how do i ge her to stop because we are really scard before all this she was a perfect angel i mean the worst she had done was lie to us about her report. so can you guys please try to help i have no clue what else to do




  1. 1.  Stop pointing fingers

    2.  Who is "we"

    3.  Make sure you call her daily and find out what is going on in her life.  While doing this prop her up.  Tell her what a great person she is and how lucky you are to have her as a sister.

    4.  Learn punctuation, it really helps communicate your ideas better.

  2. Have a serious discussion with your parents. It seems they don't realize how much an adult can affect a teenager. I know lots of people whose parents were harsh on them about weight, and thus, they became anorexic, bullemic, etc.

    Talk to her about smoking, make sure she quits. Get them all a family counselor, and maybe refer your sister to a teen organization that would help her feel better. Sometimes just talking to someone will help.

    Talk to her though, make sure she knows you care. But first deal with those awful parents. No child should be emotionally abused like that.

  3. I understand what you are going through. Since i was probably 9 my dad has called me fat. I was chunky but his comments weren't called for. Same for school, my sister was a valedictorian, so I had it really hard and considered a failure. Talk to your parents and tell them she wasn't bad and that because of them she is going through a hard time. Tell them that if they really want to help her praise her for something good.

    Talk to your sister, tell her the parents are not always right. Tell her your really worried about her and try spending more time with her to make sure she's not getting into trouble. Maybe having someone show that they really care for her will help her. She needs someone to tell her she is not a bad person and she needs to not throw her life away.  

  4. 1( tell them straight up it was their fault ..n that saying shes fat wasnt helping.

    2( just talk she prob need confert! really sit down n talk to her.. tell her u love her n care n u dont want anything bad to happen to .show her u care ..meaning if u hear ur parents talk about her stick p for her n talk back to ur parents!

    hope all goes well..........for u n ur sis n fam<3

  5. so if she isnt livin w parents, and they r in FA, they should not , NOT, NOT!!!! be allowed to see her, they are irresponsible.


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