
Bad piercing <span title="experience-SEPTUM--repost?">experience-SEPTUM--repost...</span>

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Today I had a bad experience.

I need to know what someone else would have done in this situation.. Professional opinions please!!

I went to a local shop where the pierced is supposed to be experienced and skilled. When I got my septum for one-he didn't let me know when he was piercing it..he just went! two-my septum was EXTREMELY croocked!

I called the shop when I noticed(within 20 min) He told me to come back up to the shop, I did. He seen it was messed up.. (oh i forgot to add, my boyfriend and i went at the same time! BOTH of them were messed up)

He took them out for us. He apologized, and made excuses!..of course. I expected that.

We will be gettin pierced later on in the week.

I also let him know about "septum clamps" to use to make sure it is straight next time. He ordered the clamps for us.

Im well aware of how the piercing procedure goes. I already have 14 of them. And I have never had to deal with something like this before..

Im just curious to know if I acted correctly in this situation.

What would you have done?

And if a piercer reads this,

I was pierced through cartilage.

The piercer said my "sweet spot" was to high.

Is this correct?

Or was I told wrong info?


I am going back to him. Only because I have already paid for the piercing.

And he purchased the clamps.

I know that people have their days, and I don't belive today was his.

I will let him have the second chance.

But after 2 strikes- hes out.




  1. After 2 strikes something bad could happen. Couldn&#039;t you get another piercer that works at the shop to do it for you instead?

  2. Septum clamps don&#039;t really do much, they can still be wonky. Alot of experienced people don&#039;t use them, and most seem to prefering free-hand or mini-pennington clamps.

    Sweet spot is normally pierced, though some don&#039;t. Personal preference really, I like high septum piercings, but not so high you need a huge ring. Depends on anatomy really.

    I prefer it when people don&#039;t tell me when they&#039;re gonna pierce, saves me getting too nervous and freaked.

    So he/shes not that c**p... Though the sweet spot thing sounds like a load of bull. And its no excuse for getting two piercings so wonky. Though it could of been swelling, I doubt it. Go find a different piercer. I wouldn&#039;t bother with a second chance, unless it was free, and even then probably not. Demand a refund!

  3. You did the right thing. I don&#039;t know this piercer (or I&#039;m assuming I don&#039;t). I think you&#039;re being reasonable. You noticed a problem, went back and showed him. He&#039;s doing the right thing in this situation too. He messed up. He&#039;s going to fix it. (But you&#039;re right, if he messes up again, he&#039;s just a bad piercer - not having a bad day)

    A few things though. &quot;Sweet spots&quot;. Sigh. Everyone talks about them. What a lot of people don&#039;t realize is that many don&#039;t have one. I don&#039;t, for instance. Sometimes you do have to pierce through the cartilage for correct placement or because there isn&#039;t a sweet spot or it&#039;s too small. Some people (my former roommate is one) have what appears to be a sweet spot, but actually have cartilage running through it, you just can&#039;t feel it till the needle is half-way through.

    Also, some piercers learn to pierce free hand, without clamps. I&#039;ve had many done this way and I&#039;ve done many this way. I usually do septums with clamps, but sometimes you can&#039;t. Of course I have a few pairs of septum clamps....Don&#039;t need to order them when customers ask.

    Also keep in mind that piercings (especially septums) can appear a little wonky when they&#039;re first done because of swelling. This usually corrects itself after a few weeks when the swelling goes down. If it&#039;s really crooked though, it was just pierced badly.

    Please remember, you, as the client, have a right to question your piercer at any time during the procedure if you think something is wrong/off. It&#039;s your body. Don&#039;t be afraid to speak up. A professional piercer should not be offended by questions. Yes, it&#039;s our responsibility to be up to date on technique, aftercare, etc. but don&#039;t worry about offending with questions if you think things should be done differently.

    I&#039;m sorry both you and your boyfriend had a bad experience. Your piercer doesn&#039;t sound too experienced. Unfortunately that happens in largely unregulated industries. We&#039;re working to change that. It sounds like you&#039;ve done your research and are an informed client. Kudos. I wish there were more like you out there.

    Good luck!

    Oh yes, I think it&#039;s important to let a client know when you&#039;re going to pierce. I usually go with a simple breathing technique (helps keep people calm as well) saying we&#039;re going to take two deep breaths and I&#039;ll pierce when you exhale the second time. I walk them through it. But I also tell them everything I&#039;m doing at all points in the procedure. I think it&#039;s just better that way.

  4. 1. if ANYTHING goes wrong with a piercing, go get it looked at by a doctor. unless you don&#039;t care about a permanently deviated septum or other disfiguration that could develop later and involve $10,000 of surgery to fix. 2. don&#039;t do any more piercing until you have been cleared to do it by a doctor. 3. if you do more piercing, do it somewhere else. get a refund from the jackass who f***ed up your face and if he won&#039;t give it to you, threaten to sue.  good luck..

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