
Bad reaction to smoking pot?

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hi, okay well

about a week and a half or so ago, i smoked pot with my older sister and her friends and then i got really high.

im not a regular smoker. all the other times i'd ever smoked i just got silly and felt like everything was funny and tasted good.

well, this week and a half ago i got pretty ******. everything was like, a movie and i almost thought i was dreaming. i wasnt seeing little green men or anything like that, but everything seemed really weird and i kind of didn't like it.

anyway, ever since then, i've sort of felt a little weird. just a little. like i have a lot more anxiety and feeling kind of, slightly dizzy.

could this be a bad reaction to the pot?

my sister has a lot higher tolerance than i do because she's been smoking for longer, but could i be having a bad reaction? could the pot have been laced with something serious?

i'm a little worried. i got scared when i was high. i'm not sure if i'll smoke any time soon, although it wont be easy since i'm starting high school in september.

if you know anything about this, please help,





  1. Except for the standard lecture about you being to young... blah blah blah ( you really are )....

    Hahaha, you got reeeeeeally high.  It happens to the best of us, BELIEVE ME.  You need to lay off for a while and the next time you do it (in college, haha) just try to be good and only have a little.

    These feelings of anxioty (bad spelling) should pass soon. Try to get in a good run or something this week if you can.

    Hahaha... what a great question.  "It was like a movie"... that's good stuff.

  2. I have to agree with the guy above me, he knows what hes talking about

    The same exact thing happened to me 3 years ago when i smoked for the first time, but then i just realized it was all in my head. Now, i smoke all the time. The dizziness is not from the weed, its from your emotions and anxiety.

    Just chill, its gonna be fine  

  3. you shouldn't smoke pot at all even if you get into peer pressure and don't smoke it just to try to make your self look good because you should be liked for who you are and not what you do

  4. I also had a reaction similar to yours the second time I smoked pot.  I actually threw water on my brother because I felt like I was in a music video and then I ate a whole roll of crackers to try to make it go away.  I smoked for years and now if I even take one puff of pot I have a serious panic attack.  I think it messes with your serotonin levels in your brain and can make some people have anxiety problems.  

  5. I think you just smoked  A LOT more than you might usually smoke, got pretty F'd up, noticed you'd never really been that F'd up, started tripping on how you felt, and you're still tripping. Seriously, thinking a bad thing like that while your high on anything is the worst thing you can do. Not only will it ruin your high, but you'll start tripping on yourself and you won't be able to start. Now if you were seeing things or blacking out, it could've been laced with pcp or another hullucinagent. If you were not hungry or couldn't eat when you were high, or very rapid heartbeat, talking a lot.. Maybe you had cocopuffs (cocaine and pot) or somehow meth/speed and didn't know it. The best and only way to find out is to go to a drugstore (cvs/walgreens) and buy the boxed drug tests. Get the one that tests for EVERYTHING. Not just Marijuana. Depending on how long it has been however, THC or PCP are most likely the only things that will come up. Good luck!

  6. You probably smoked a different strain of marijuana than before, and it just made you paranoid as a side effect.  

  7. Just sounds like you had a bad trip, and that happens sometimes when you choose to do drugs!

    I'm no doctor, but I can guess that the anxiety you're feeling is just fear of having another bad trip.  And if that's the case, then maybe that's a sign to not do it.  The chances that the weed was laced is possible, but feeling effects of it more than 2 days later is not likely.

    You're not even in high school yet! You'll have lots of time to do drugs and stupid c**p, don't be in a rush.

  8. These days you need to be careful what you smoke. It could of been spiked with acid or another hallucinogenic drug. Probably best to stay off it to be honest. Might of just been a bad reaction.  

  9. Being high isn't for everyone. Pot tends to magnify current emotions so if you felt paranoid or anxious before the fact, then that could be why. You should be fine though.

  10. That sounds like a good reaction. The after feeling is called being burnt out according to urban dictionary

  11. there is no correlation, or connection to what you felt and the pot... you may have been feeling VERY anxious and guilty and this is causing you to feel lightheaded, thus, "high"

  12. it could have been a different type. maybe she just had a S****y type of pot. or it could have been laced with something. tell your sister it felt weird that time and you want to kow what kind it was and if it was laced with something.

  13. god, most of these answers are so wrong, and some of them are just plain stupid.  

    first of all, you're reactions werent severe at all.  you described smoking, getting really high, and minor discomfort.  you werent passing out, you werent seeing kaleidescopic images, you werent super hyped up, so the chances of it being laced with something are slim to none.  i suppose its possible, but if your reaction to this alleged "lace" was so minor, dont even worry about it.  

    it sounds like it was just a different strain, and left you with a different come-down feeling.  weed does that, its like an "aftertaste" of sorts, except with the way you feel.  there may have been several other factors that contributed to your negative energy.  did you see something or think of something that made you sad or depressed after you took it?  i remember smoking one time, and when i got high, i remembered that like 5 months ago, my friend borrowed my sweatshirt and hadn't given it back yet.  i really liked that sweatshirt.  well i remembered that at the beginning of my high, and the entire rest of my high was kinda depressing.  so you gotta be careful with that sort of thing.  your slightly dizzy feeling, you're imagining that.  your only "dizzy" because you think your dizzy.  and if you really are, its not because of the weed.  even the most experienced smokers have gotten scared while they're high.  i've been a heavy smoker for coming up on two years, and one time recently i forgot i had put away my bag with all my "equipment", and i spent like 4 hours scouring the house for it, in a paranoid frantic search, i thought my parents were going to find it before i did, and i was toast.  however, i had put it away diligently, and it was in its proper hiding place the whole time.  point is, it was the worst trip of my life, and im a very experienced smoker.  its the little things that can set us off, so if i were you, i wouldnt worry about anything.  

    pm me for more info, i would love to know about it if this continues.  


  14. well, you sound WAY too young to be smoking anything.

    its your fault you did it and you should be ashamed.

    your not even in high school and your breaking the law!

    in my opion, your stupid.

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