
Bad reverse charge calls?

by  |  earlier

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Ok we keep getting these spam reverse charge calls. You can never hear the name properly, and seeing as family members use the service sometimes, we always have to accept it just in case. It's always kids messing around. We've had around five calls tonight alone, the last few we obviously didn't accept. My mum is worried that whoever has found our number got it in the phone book, and could have our address too. Plus these calls are expensive. Like i said we can't block the service entirely as we sometimes use it ourselves; anyway we can get the number that's ringing us from it blocked? also when we do get a reverse charge call (either fake or legit) the number is 0800 853 000 instead of the 0800 7383773 we use to call it, so what's going on with this service?




  1. How about if you asked your family members to use a codeword so that you know it's a genuine call and tell them to speak clearly, then you'll know whether to accept each call or not.

  2. Get Caller ID and only accept reverse charge calls from the number you do use.

    or stop using reverse charge services and get a BT Chargecard so only people you give it to can use it to make calls home then refuse to accept any reverse charge calls.

  3. STOP USING 0800 Reverse, it's THE most expensive way of paying for a call!

    If having change is available get charge cards (NOT credit cards, these are crazily expensive for making calls as well).  If you're with BT they have one and the calls made on it are charged to your bill.  If you're concerned about children using them excessively, it's possible to have a "calling home card" which is the same, but only connects to the home number.  Calls are still about 20p/minute, which is a lot, but WAY cheaper than 0800 Reverse.

    Another option is the prepaid cards that are sold in newsagents.  For the cost of about one 0800 Reverse call, you can buy a card that will last over two hours!

    The 0800 number you see on your screen when these calls come in is a customer services type number to ring in case of any query, not to place a reverse charge call.

    Since you're being plagued by these calls, it's worth asking for your number to be changed.  There shouldn't be a charge if it's due to nuisance calls (which these are).  Ask for the new number to be ex-directory - but you can still list it with Directory Enquiries so that people who know you can ask for it.

  4. The operator tells you the name and you should hear it clearly. If you don't, refuse to accept the call.

    If your family members get into the habit of carrying a phone card, they won't have to make these expensive calls.

  5. you can phone up your provider and ask to be ex-directory. then your number wont be in the books.

    and best advice is get a load of change, and put it in every trouser pocket you can find, every school bag, hand bag coat pocket. that way you wont need to use the service, and can just use the change in a phone box, it will be a h**l of a lot cheaper, and you wont have to worry about the problem. or you could just remember to take the money. lol

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