
Bad skin what can i do to clear it up?

by  |  earlier

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i have like what my beauticain calls congestion around the side of my nose.other than water fruit and veg what else can i do to clear it up?




  1. Try glycolic acid. You can buy this on Ebay and its fantastic for clearing up most skin problems, but is quite harsh so use the lower strenth initially.

  2. if its really bothering you go to your doctors and ask him/her about a medication called oxytetracycline, its amazing at clearing up bad skin, acne, rashes, dry skin, anything really its just really good. If you couldnt be bothered going to your doctors have a look on the web and youll find plenty of places that sell it, ive no idea of prices as i got mine on the medical card.

    Hope it works out for you, good luck.

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