
Bad spirits can't go into circles?

by  |  earlier

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I was watching one of those paranormal shows and these bar owners invited a physic over to do some things to try and get rid of a demon. One of the things she had to do was get the owners into a circle of salt and not let them step out of it. She said that bad spirits can't go in to circles. Is this true?




  1. well...if ur talking about just a normal circle then it has to be made with salt.

  2. The Concept is that the person Casting the Circle is performing a

    practiced Ceremonial Gesture in which they define a particular area

    as "Sacred" and it is blessed with the Presence of one or more

    Benign and Protective Entities.

    Its with most all Issues of Art, lies with the skill

    and amount of experience of the practioner.

  3. spirits don't exist. it's all in the head. possibly some stage tricks too or mini freak accidents, but they don't exist.

  4. The idea of bad spirits not going in to the circle has nothing to do with shape. It's more about salt. Most beings of the paranormal (nature spirits included) are afraid of salt. I really don't know why but salt is a very important substance in controlling spirits.

  5. I know in Russian ancient folk stories they say to protect yourself from daemons  you need to draw a circle around yourself and read a prayer, and this way daemons can't take you.

    I think it is a psychological thing, rather than something that can be scientifically proven.

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