
Bad starbucks experience?

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Hi, I have just recently started working at starbucks, and i was wondering, what is your personal worst starbucks experience? I only ask so as to avoid these mistakes.






  1. I work at Starbucks and just a little tip for you: It's been my experience that when you make a tall frappucino they end up coming out a little short. So when you're making it, pour the frapp base a tiny bit above the line on the blender.

    Also, if you do make a mistake and end up having to remake someone's drink, apologize sincerely and hand their new drink off to them with a service recovery coupon. This will normally always make the customer leave with a smile.

  2. one time i got a caramel machiatto and it was just foam seriously like maybe a quarter of the cup actually had the coffee in it!

  3. not necessay bad but when someone orders a carmel or mocha frapaccino. it makes it better when you drizzle the carmel or mocha on top of the whipped cream.

  4. Hey...I work at a Starbucks and I know a few things that may help.

    Make sure you make every drink the way you would want it made. If you are not sure what all the ingredients are or how a drink is made, ask a fellow partner, or better yet, look it up in the Beverage Resource Manuel.

    If you make a drink and you run out of, you have a drink that's a tall size and you're shy just about an inch of milk. Steam some more! I know it takes extra time but just explain to the customer that their drink will be just a moment longer to make becuase you ran low on milk for their drink. I know several partners that will just put extra foam on a drink when this happens but that is not standard and you are giving a person a drink with not enough milk! They get ripped off! When someone spends $5 on a drink, they will most likely wait for a bit longer in order to get a good quality beverage. It drives me insane when people think of speed of service rather than the quality.

    Another thing, the customer is basically always right. Don't argue or be rude to anyone, even if they deserve it! When someone has a question, offer your best advice and get someone to help you out if you don't know the answer.

    Make sure that you smile and say please, thank you and be genuine. Sounds cheesy, I know, but its so true with great customer service. Provide service you would want to receive. Don't give 60%, give the job 110% because that's what will keep customers coming back.

    If you make a drink wrong, or if they wanted it done a different way...make it again without hesitation. Apologize and remake the drink. Give them a recovery coupon if you find it necessary. Even if they are like, "i asked for this to be an iced drink," when they did not...apologize and make them what they want. Not only will this avoid confrontation and a scene, but they will appreciate your efforts and will come back to the store. Make each customer leave satisified. =D

  5. I don't like it when I order a frappuccino and it's so thick that I can't hardly sip it through my then I have to just poke at all of the ice with no flavor and just suck that through the straw.

    I perfer mine to be more on the liquid side...I hate when my cup is still halfway full but the only thing in it is the ice

  6. Never had a bad experience except for the high prices - outrageous. I can make better and cheaper coffee at home.

  7. i tried that spinach cheddar biscuit thing..  the dog didn't even want to eat it..  it was terrible!!

  8. Bad Experience:

    Once, I went to a Starbucks.

  9. It wasn't that carmel mochiatto tasted funny due to the steamed milk getting to biggie. She remade it and it was fine!

  10. I've been to Starbucks loads of times and never had a bad experience, actually.

  11. I try to avoid chain coffee shops and support independent ones.

  12. My top bad experiences at Starbucks are:

    - getting a Toffee Nut Late made with whipping cream instead of 2%

    - watery iced coffee

    - too much ice in the iced coffee

    *It's worse if you're going thru the drive thru because then you can't get the drink fixed. I bet you'll make a great barista since you care!

  13. Looking at the menu and realizing i was to poor to buy a drink there lol

  14. Not really a bad experience, but at one of the Starbuck's near my home, I noticed that when I ordered the venti size, I was only getting about 2/3 full in the cup.....I like whipped cream in mine, but it shouldn't take up that much room!

  15. You know, I've never had a bad experience there. I have had my coffee take awhile to get to me, but thats because they were really busy. I have had my drink order made wrong, but they always fix the problem quickly and were very nice about it.

    The thing is, you're gonna make mistakes, just treat people right, and fix any problems quickly, and you'll be ok! :-)

  16. Spending $7.00 on a croissant and mocha latte!

  17. those high assed prices

  18. the coffee taste burnt

  19. One time I ordered a raspberry white chocolate mocha, and I ended up with a raspberry chocolate mocha.  I'm not a fan of dark chocolate with coffee, and it tastes more bitter than white chocolate, which is sweet.  Mixing those two up is makes for a vastly different taste than anticipated by the customer.

  20. I was a freshman at my highschool at the time. There was an experience when my mom went and thier was a girl in Starbucks that I think that I was worst enemy at the time and she packed in alot of cream or something in my moms drink thinking it was probably mine. I was in the car but up front where the Barista could have seen me. So lesson: Don't go into a Starbucks that has your worst enemy working there!


  22. My boyfriend was a shift supervisor for two years and the worst experience he told me about is what happened to one of his coworkers. I guess a women complained about her drink taking so long to make after it came out of the bar. Well, she was so furious that she made a huge scene and threw the coffee all over the starbucks girl and burned her. They had to threaten the women to leave or they would call the police

  23. i have never had a BAD  starbucks experience, but advice to u: whenever you blend the frappuccinos, blend them well to avoid the chunky ice crystals! not fun to suck through straws! :)

  24. I was at a Starbucks today and there were ants all over the floor because of muffin crumbs and they just left them there and no one cleaned it up until I said something.

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