
Bad things about going green?

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Bad things about going green?




  1. since everything we eat has some form of corn in it, or needs corn to live so it can produce milk or eggs (you get the point) now if we take that and make gas out of it, food and gas will become unreal in cost.

    have you priced solar panels? it will take about 10 years to save enough to break even on them. not to many people live in their homes for 10 years.

    recycling pick up at the curb is more expensive than trash pick up. that leaves me with 2 options, i toss in regular trash or i drive to a recycling bin.  hardly seems like a smart move to do extra driving just so i can recycle?

    to answer you question in short...bad things about going green the cost. natural and organic products ar 25-30% more expensive than their counter products.  

    on the lighter side, i have 3 kids 2-6. they can reach the light switch to turn it on, but never off. i could lose 10 pounds (and i dont have it to lose) just running around after the kids.

  2. All things can be provided for man if he builds and acts wisely.   Our Earth already has provided us with speeds of 150 miles per hour, in the lower jet streams atmosphere.  It was man who decided to tap the disastrous and polluted oil reserves.  It is only necessary that man harnasses the air currents and channels them into tubes in order to transport all necessary items much more quickly, quietly and with no pollution.  Examine your drive-in bank teller tubes operation and think on a much larger scale with the atmosphere, beginning at levels of 3,000 feet, as the constantly renewable air pressure supply.  Jet stream collection is a process kept  secret by government officials who are afraid of what the truth will do to their illegal hold and control of power over their slave citizens.  That is only one example of our Earth providing for the billions of people here that would be an indefinite and green source of power.  The type of power that would allow civilazations to continue life on the planet and still live in such large multitudes.  To do it this current atmospheric  burning and depleting way will soon (even if soon means one hundred years) leave our planet sterile.  Just as Mars atmosphere is depleted, its temperature variations are over 300 degrees celcius in each of its days.  So too, are our Earths temperature variations continuing to increase.  The current terms for our predicament are pushed on us as a drug pusher would push drugs, Hah global warming, then Climate shifts.   Nothing about these terms instill upon  the human populace the urgency required to reverse the situations.  All the while our Governments of the G8 nations strive to build and maintain orbital platforms and moon bases in order that THEY, not us, will be able to weather the future uncertainties of man-made pollution.    Not to mention all the multitudes of insects and animals that die on the open roadways each second from now until the end of our time.

  3. Palm oil. The introduction of palm oil as a possible biofuel is causing nearly as much harm to the environment as fossil fuels themselves. Oil palm trees are being planted by the thousands in countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. These trees are creating monocultures where dense rainforests once stood. Not to mention displacing thousands upon thousands of organisms, including the critically endangered orangatan, sumatran tiger, sumatran rhino, and the asian elephant.

    Many oil palm plantations are also being planted on land covered in peat moss. The original forests are being cut down for logging purposes, and the moss is burned in order to dry out the land. When peat moss burns, it releases hug

    e amounts of CO2. In 2007 alone, slash and burn agriculture i n southeast asia released more than one billion pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere--it was the seconds biggest contributer to greenhouse gases, second only to burning fossil fuels.  

    You can find palm oil in other places as well:



    prepackaged foods


    It is labeled as palm oil, palm kernel oil, or sometimes just plain vegetable oil, making it difficult to avoid.

  4. Sacrificing many things like gas powered cars, long periods with everything on, and replacing hundreds of dollars worth of electronics to be energy efficient.

  5. Biofuel - With corn at six bucks a bushel, how does anybody think ethanol is going to be a cheaper fuel?"

    I am so desperate to have a symbolic victory against the global warming fascism out there -- and make no mistake, this is fascism when they mandate you use a more expensive fuel.

  6. The only bad thing about going green is that it is expensive.  Shade-grown coffee is more expensive than "normal" pesticide-filled slash-and-burn produced coffee, organic things are more expensive than non-organic, people have to pay for reusable cloth grocery bags when the plastic ones are free.  

    Granted using a hybrid vehicle or replacing light bulbs in your home with fluorescent bulbs will save you money in the long run, but the start-up costs are prohibitive for people who don't have a lot to spend in the first place.

  7. i cant thinck of anything

  8. cannot think of one going green can mean supporting farmers by buying local produce,to taking mass transit and leaving your car at home even once a week,walking to the grocery store for that bag of milk instead of the car,to turning of the lights in a room when you leave it,to hanging out the laundry on the line and listening to the birds

  9. #1 - Celebrities are using it as a gimmick when they are not really "Green". They drive everywhere in their huge TRUCKS, and Limos.

    #2 -Eventually they are going to ask us to reuse bath water or stop showering to preserve water.

    #3- No watering plants - so we will have dead Grass everywhere.

    #3 - The government can be making a Hoax about this going green, because they want to make a profit.


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