
Bad toothache, please help?

by Guest57468  |  earlier

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two of my wisdom teeth are trying to come in, and its the most painful thing in the world. i've had extreme pain for the past five days, because i can't get into the denist office until tomorrow. not only that, but i have a really bad sore throat as well. i can't sleep, and when i swallow or eat anything, the pain is almost unbearable. i am constantly putting orajel on it, and eating sore throat drops, but its barley making anything better. i take four ibprofen every eight hours which doesn't seem to help either, but thats what i was told to do by a doctor who couldn't offer me any other help.

i might not even to be able to get the teeth removed tomorow, but i can't handle this kind of pain for much longer. its also pushing my teeth together and crowding them alot, which causes more discomfort.

is there anything i can do to make things even a little bit better? all suggestions are great, thank you :)




  1. Take some Excedrin and suck on some ice. Then listen to the Red Hot Chili Peppers. They'll make you happy.

  2. ambosol

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