
Bad waiter?

by Guest58015  |  earlier

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What have been your most disliked actions taken by waiters/waitresses?

My top most disliked is being asked too often if everything's all right.




  1. Prejudice..My boyfriend is white, I'm Black and our Black waitress..I would say didn't like black people,

    I thought it may have been a bad day for her...but then I noticed that everyone else in her section had great service, she was like a completely different person with them. There was a white couple and a 2 Latin girls..I didn't get it.

    We had to stop her to get the basics..she walked up to the table..did not say a word! It was crazy and sooo obvious. She looked at our money and the check and left our money sitting on the she didn't want to take the check up. She got a 30cent tip and I should have waited to get that change back. She deserved nothing! I emailed Applebees headquarters and someone called and talked to me..they sent some gift cards..but that experience still left a bad taste in my mouth.

  2. I am not a fan of when the waiter starts telling you how bad they have it working there. I know some places are bad and you can have even worse days, but the customer is not the person to be critical with.

  3. well from personal experience i did the same as a waitress..and i got good feedback from it becuase if u dont check up on yr tables they're gonna feel like yr not a good waitress...but if u do it lets them know u care..but dont get me wrong,becuz i did come across a few ppl that was very ignorant becuz i kept comming to them,but to aviod all of that..i just judged their attitudes when i greet them..and that determines how much i'm going to check up on them!

  4. I hate being called "guys" when I'm out with my gal pals. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings, sat in the bar and the male server said "what can I get you guys to drink?". His tip just went out the window. My mouthy pal said to him, " Do I look like a guy to you? I think not". We just left and went elsewhere.

    I think it is tacky to use slang terms like that. You should address one person at a time and ask "What would you like to drink?"

  5. this one time i went to apple bee's and my boy friend and i were seated by this one girl and as we were about to sit my boy friend hit his head at the edge of the ceiling light thingy that hangs down...and our waitress touched his head and was like "oh man you tall and im short see" then she touched his head and was like "oh are you ok"...that's a bit too far... i understand she was trying to comfort and do her job because a person tipped the edge of the light thingy...but god d**n...then after we ordered she didn't even freaken stop with the oh you so tall did it hurt and c**p i mean gee if he was like **** man it hurts then yeah keep asking but when someone says im fine it didnt that annoying and just odd and then i just told my boy friend either she cares and doesnt want to get fired or she's flirting...

  6. When they serve your food very late.Or they don't know whom to deliver the food as well.Also bring to you your soup not hot enough.Or not giving you untensil or tissue to use.Most especially when they don't even smile to you .when you smiled to them or talk to with no turns ur day badly

  7. When they take to long to bring back your change.

  8. Would you rather be ignored?? Or have noone ask how things are and they SUCK and noone cares, Most servers are trying to be nice and care about your happiness,that's their job and how they make tip which make up 90% of their income!!!! Next time try to smile and say fine thanks for asking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. When they get my orders wrong. So ******* annoying

  10. I don't like it when they sit down with you  or squat down to talk to you.  I know they probably think they are being cute, but I feel like they are talking down to me like a child.

    Oh yeah I am a server and usually when people ask you how your doing a bunch they are REALLY bored because you are their only table and time is going SO slow.  10 min in a busy restaurant goes by in 2, but 10 min on a slow day seems like half an hour.

  11. yeah when they come like 10 times saying "is everything alright" if i am eating and talking then yes it is! if i am f***ing have a heart attack then everything is not alright..dammit all...i hate it when they do that..and also when they try to steal your money for a bigger tip.

  12. I hate it when I am done eating and the plates are still sitting there... it takes forever for them to come by and clear it, then another long wait for them to bring the check, and yet another wait for them to bring the change or credit card slip!

    Service might have been great throughout the meal, but don't make me  wait another hour at the end...

  13. I dont like it when they stand over you topping your wine glass up evey time you take a sip.

  14. Attaching a tip to my bill, and not allowing me to rate the service myself.
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