
Badly sprained ankle? - Im going to alton towers tomorrow and i cant even walk- how can i get my foot better?

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The doc gave me a book of exercises i should do every hour for abot 5 mins, and they made me walk on it yesterday after i had been xrayed to check if it wasnt broken. Im not a crying person, but the pain was that bad , that i did cry.

Btw i did it falling off a diving board :S

How can i make my foot to be able to walk on by tomorrow morning?




  1. Doubtful you can pull that off.  Sprains need alot of rest.  Unless you can rent a wheelchair I'd say you're going to have alot of problems with your plans.

  2. By tomorrow...not a chance..well maybe if you can conjure up some divine help.

    Read and apply to speed up the healing process.

  3. I feel for you, I had a horrible ankle sprain during a high school week long trip to marine corps boot camp.

    There are three things i can think of right off of the top of my head, the first being swelling, you have to keep it down. A lot of ice and keeping the foot elevated when you are not on your feet. This is really important, swelling can make a sprain last longer and hurt worse.

    The second thing is do the exercise the doctors told you, you want it to stay flexible. Since you have been to the doc, and they are the ones who told you to do the exercise, then there is no worry about making the injury worse.

    Third, get the best pain killers you can if your wanting to walk for your trip and you think the pain might be to much

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