
Badminghton! serving rule!?

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what is the setrving rule in badminghton? how do u know who serves and when?




  1. It all begins with toss and the winner decides whether he wants to serve or the end of the court he prefers.In singles matches the serve changes at the loss of a rally,points are scored by a player when he wins a rally on his own serve.

    Its a bit different in doubles though cause both players of a team get to serve and it only changes after both lose their serves.

    I hope this was not too confusing.


  2. Same as tennis - one team starts, serves from the back/middle line to the opposite, diagonal box. Then it goes to the person that wasted the shuttlecock, swapping from the left side to the right side of the box each time.

  3. It's been a while since I played BADMINTON btw. But, 1 person starts, if he wins the next rally, he gets one point. If the opponent wins the next point, then the opponent does NOT get a point. He gets the serve. Now if he wins the next rally then he gets a point. The same thing is repeated till the first person reaches 15 with a min. difference of 2.

    Just to calm the girls, the he could be replaced by a she also :)

  4. the server stands at the mid-court line in either the left or right hand box. you then have to serve to the opposite side of the court. the shuttlecock always has to land past the mid-court line on the opposite side without touching the net. if you are playing singles then it has to land in the long length, short width area, but if you are playing doubles then it has to land in the short length wide width area.

    a side will have five serves before rotating service.

    the first service of a team always starts on the right side of the court.

    Tennis is the best is talking about the rules of squash and is mixing the male and female rules

  5. ginger is correct..

  6. Nobody here has got a clue!!  Does anyone know how to search the internet???

    I am a county level Badminton (not badminghton!) player so I know the rules.  They are:

    1. The rally point is awarded to the side that wins each rally. If this is the receiving side they also win the right to serve.

    2. Singles is very easy to understand with the server serving from the right service-court when the score is even and the left when the score is odd. The only thing to note is that at ‘service-over’, the receiver scores the rally point and serves from the service-court appropriate to the new score.

    3. In doubles there is only one service per side, and the service alternates between the partners. At each ‘service-over’ the serve goes to the partner who did not serve the last time the side served. No player shall serve in two successive service hands, or receive two successive serves in a service hand.  The new server should also be in the servicecourt matching the new score i.e. Right for an even score.

    4. A match comprises three games to 21 points unless otherwise arranged.

    5. If the score reaches 20-20, the game is won by establishing a two-point lead e.g. 24-22. If the score reaches 29-29, the winner of the next point shall win the game. (There is no option like the old “setting”; the extended game

    automatically comes into play at 20 all).

    6. At each ‘service-over’ the player who has lost the right to serve should take note of the service-court they occupy – which should correspond to that side’s score (i.e. Left court if the score is odd). The player should start each rally in

    this service-court until their side next scores a point while serving.

    7. The order of serving remains the same throughout a game. If A & B play C & D, and A starts serving to C, then the serving order will be A, D, B, C, A and so on.

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