
Badminton tips please !!?

by  |  earlier

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I play badminton, and I'm pretty good but I want to get good enough to play for the county. Does anyone have any tips that can help me get better? Thanks.




  1. when u hit, make sure u want to hit it the best u can.

    aim in the corners, or in a certain spot.

    NEVER hit it to them. gd trick is to hit it At them.

    drop shots: hit it so that it goes the opposite way, not straight over. (switch ends).

    when starting, make sure u dnt waste a point stuffing up a serve or hitting it too high. if ur in trouble. hit it high and far back as posible(time to recover).

    goodluck. and remember, its about placement of the shuttle c**k.

    not the skills, not the fitness. but the accuratcy and mind.

  2. The best tip I can give you is to ask this question in the other sports category.  You will get more help since more badminton players will be reading that section.

  3. When I'm playing badminton the most things i do is change my shot.


    1) I would send the shuttle to the left corner make the player run left.

    2) Then I would hit it to the right, they would have to run to the right corner.

    3) Finally I would do a short net drop so they have to run to the front.

    if they make it i would send it to the back if they don't well point to me.

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